I don’t agree with the ban all, but I’m Not coming back until it’s fixed.
I don’t agree with the ban all, but I’m Not coming back until it’s fixed.
I tried for a month. It’s too broken for me to enjoy anymore. Back to DS3 And The Taken Spring.
just got back. I’m upset how few boxes of wasabi katKats I purchased. Esp compared to the Damn crate of Tokyo 🍌 we got.
No love for ofTime? I got into that before ASOIF.. Then RJ died on us before finishin it and the show rights are wonky. :(
Hi, are you me?
Cole Train had better get a football stadium. Best character in the series
Am I crazy, or between the comics and Rebels is all the best Star Wars content coming from what Disney could eventually make an extended universe? The season finale of Star Wars Rebels was perfect. Dave Filoni is so good that I’m confused as to why Lucas didn’t let him do the prequels.
i assume he chose the red ending and imagined minorities
I felt the same way. I’m still waiting for my open word windy city game.
I hate mobile kinja... Sorry for the typos
Use the matchmaking! Seriously, youplayed Destiny, this is a godsend
That’s good to know. I was buying it under the impression that I can get my new releases this way as well. Thank you. I guess I can still catch up on everything since The Ultimates and Miles.
Evan, I really enjoy Marvel but I've been burned out on their comics for about the past decade. I love Star Wars, is this worth getting Marvel unlimited for?
Small problem with punishing rage quitters. They still haven’t fixed the lag switch a problem where are you can make every toon teleport. This is also a nightmare for competitive players like myself. I can use a rage quit and lose my points, or stay in the game and lose my streak. No good options.
I came for this comment and didn't leave disappointed.
Because he’s actually rapping about the same shit with skill,depth and nuance.
Needs more Gargoyles