Even GreenPeace isn’t inherently opposed to hunting, it’s a strange relationship for sure between hunter’s and environmentalists. Source: Me. Former GreenPeace national hq staff.
Even GreenPeace isn’t inherently opposed to hunting, it’s a strange relationship for sure between hunter’s and environmentalists. Source: Me. Former GreenPeace national hq staff.
Thanks all!
Does it work on vita TV too? I’m still trying to find a use for mine.
Meh, burn it down! More leverage in your next union contract to build an awesome L.A.office.
Is there gonna be a follow up article with the winner and you walking us through the boss fight? Because that would be awesome.
I approve this entire comment thread.
I know it’s terribly juvenile, but I crack up any time I get thorn’d and teabagged. The 12 year old in me still never expects it and I burst into laughter like an idiot.
Killer Croc in Asylum provided so much tension. I’ll give my nod to that one.
Keep getting dem checks!
I play Hearthstone competitively and I would buy this guy a drink for pulling that on me. After I punched him.
So the last MGS game I played in full before ground 0’s was Metal Gear Solid. I intend to play Kojima’s swan song, but I need to get caught up on the story. Help! With a family these days my game time is limited, so I really can’t go back and play through the old games. I’m basically familiar with the plot of…
Regardless of what you think about Keith Olbermann, remember, Chris Broussard is still employed.
My formerly non gamer wife fell in love with the Lego movie game. The only thing she loves more is Jurassic Anything. The day after seeing JW I surprised her with LJW. If she wasn’t in her third trimester I’d be getting ALL the sex right now.
And preordered. Thanks! Btw de-grey me, my whole family follows this blog now. Y’all got me a discount on my Sonos for Pete’s sake!
And preordered. Thanks! Btw de-grey me, my whole family follows this blog now. Y’all got me a discount on my Sonos…
At this point shouldn’t they be developing a working DriveClub 2?
Did not read your review for sake of spoilers, but is there any reason to buy collector’s edition for gameplay purposes? Don’t really care about toys, books etc...
Amen sister jumped from 360 to PS4, good thing I didn’t sell my games and my live is still active. XBONE Here I come.
Even in E-Sports, Ball is Life.
Do you think there’s gonna be a better deal when halo 5 drops or is now the time to get an XBONE?
Do you think there’s gonna be a better deal when halo 5 drops or is now the time to get an XBONE?