
in 2019

Didn’t even occur to me, but it’s a logical extension of the gummy ship system.

Kingdom Hearts 3 includes 1,1.5&2?

Just grabbed that PlayStation plus re sub. With all the buying I do from this, I’m amazed I’m still in the perma grays. Btw, do you guy still get paid when it opens my Amazon app? This was best buy, but I was curious if it only tracked web traffic.

Just grabbed that PlayStation plus re sub. With all the buying I do from this, I’m amazed I’m still in the perma

So this is clearly dropping next November 7th right?

This went from straight to Blu-ray to I’d pay the extra five bucks to see it in 3-D, because why not?

Classic case of when just sipping ☕ goes wrong. If they thought she was suspect, they should’ve said something. I really do want to know about the husband though, I’d like to imagine him as a don’t-eat-pork-or-date-white-women type of guy. I cannot wait for Tyler Perry to adapt this as a stage play. He will make her

I read the header and the M1 Garand was the only thing that came to mind. I’m still searching for that feeling in shooters. *Limps back to Destiny.

To add insult to injury, the Mad Catz TE 2 fight stick, which is the pro standard, has been sold out on Mad Catz for months. There is literally no way for someone to get EVO ready on this game as is. It’s an embarrassment to the entire scene, shame on all involved in letting down one of the most dedicated fanbases in

How long did it take Jason Kidd to get a jumper? Didn’t they used to call him Ason, no J?

I hear you, my problem is one of needing to beat every jrpg I play. Put 20 hours into my buddy’s PSP back in the day and then we both moved.

I hear you, my problem is one of needing to beat every jrpg I play. Put 20 hours into my buddy’s PSP back in the day

Can I play FFVII: Crisis Core on the Vita TV? That’s all I want to know. It’s not on vita and I didn’t own a PSP.

Can I play FFVII: Crisis Core on the Vita TV? That’s all I want to know. It’s not on vita and I didn’t own a PSP.

Fantastic, thanks guys, I’m about to grind out the story, grab some mats and run the strikes. PSN:MigrantTwerker

So basically welcome back? Did I miss miss any must have weapons like Gally?

I skipped the dark below, is getting my level 28 guys geared up gonna be impossible without doing C.E.? Will my VoC still be worth using?

See any deals on PlayStation + ? My sub auto renews in a few weeks.

See any deals on PlayStation + ? My sub auto renews in a few weeks.

Saw this too late. Was looking for a play bar to go with my play 3. Someone offered me $300 for my wired Samsung 5.1 3d blu Ray system. Ps4 and Sonos make that obsolete.

Saw this too late. Was looking for a play bar to go with my play 3. Someone offered me $300 for my wired Samsung 5.1

You use a stick or controller?

I'm a die hard Street Fighter guy and let me tell you MKX is the best fighter I've played in years.

I'm a die hard Street Fighter guy and let me tell you MKX is the best fighter I've played in years.

Nate come back! Thibsdust can save you again!