
If you say it's not even close, you're not giving any credit to Klay Thompson, nor have you seen Anthony Davis play this season.

Harden by default, doing more with less. Anthony Davis is my basketball MVP though.

nope. But I'm gonna let him know about it. Thanks!

is that you Spencer? My buddy does this to me.

I crafted two. It is a blast turning 1/1 minions into monsters. Add two abusive sergeants and a couple things with divine shield & Taunt. Have fun. Ihatefoxnews#1755 hmu

I will always pally. Don't even have Fordring, but my hobgoblin/swordofjustice/jeeves deck is a blast. For Justice!

Now playing

NBA Street Vol. 2 was the best. Pete rock & Lords of the Underground on the soundtrack and they featured my local court Foster Beach. For the time it looked exactly right. Blew our minds that Uptown was represented (accurately no less) in a video game. Plays * Chief Rocka

Give that kid a medal.


.let's not forget legends of Dragoon

If we made this a conference call I'm sure Chicago would also participate. Fuck Krause and the whole ' management wins championships, not players' mentality and if Reinsdorf fires Thibs this goes for double for him and GarPax.

Shep, I know the razer is MUCH lighter, but isn't the ASUS ROG G751JT-CH71 17.3-Inch Laptop a much better buy? GTX970 and a much larger screen. The only thing missing is touchscreen. it's also $500 Cheaper at $1,499 stock. If you want to go up to the discounted price point on that Razer then get the ASUS ROG

nathan wrote this episode from inside the vagina of Zoe because they hate journalism and freedom and Men. #gamergate

I'm so mad at myself for buying Crota, I'd maxed vanilla and got so tired of grinding for one piece of raid armor to do hard mode for weeks to no avail. I just put my VoC on the shelf and went on to different games. Never played a single expansion mission. Watch Dogs with great mechanics.

slight dox. Mortal Wombat is my reddit handle. I will now mine this thread for new profile pictures.

"... and congratulating the people who actually played in the game."

Well I'm now certain that my laughter was Not on Mute . This Is now a Very Awkward conference call.

Notice how Tom Brady and everyone else completely ignored Jimmy Garoppolo?

So it's getting to be about upgrade time. I feel like I have about $1500-1700 to spend on a gaming notebook. (I travel, hence no tower) is the Asus RoG a good buy? I don't want to have to do much upgrading for the next several years. I'm already console current.