
That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen; and to make it even worse, it’s generally those who can afford the high-priced lawyer on a perceived slight who are the assholes. Fortunately, there is a way around this.

In general, every store that deals with the general public have a range of small items/services that may or may

You clearly have no idea how shifts work at cheapass restaurants. Here is how my job works:

Hi Colin, I just wanted to thank you for BCO. My father-in-law passed away last Monday morning, and I spent all week making phone calls, driving people around, making arrangements, serving people, and sleeping on my living room floor. It was the week from hell. A few times each day, though, I was able to sneak away

Dunno about in the US, but Australian stoves come with them built in. Perfect for making toasted cheese.

Whoops! I missed the joke the first time! Sumimasen.

Sweet Jesus, I’m glad I never had to deal with that. I’ve seen some tampon graffitti, and that kind of thing happened maybe once or twice a year but there was a guy further down the totem pole. I’d just spin in a circle with a bottle of bleach.

Yeah it’s about what your kid will eat, really. Mine hated all “kid” foods. She wouldn’t touch chicken nuggets or hot dogs. She still won’t eat peanut butter or ketchup. Like someone else said, if making a fancy bento box gets your kid to eat their veggies, great! Mine would pinch broccoli straight out of the produce

No tipping in NZ and Australia and for that I'm grateful. Pay people a living wage and dump the tipping system. I was paid $20 an hour serving bar in Aus which did me just fine.

Alright, I obviously was not there, but this is one of the best funeral/memorial stories I’ve heard to date:

It is very white, though. And I say this as a white girl. It’s very white to speak out against our own oppression (as females or LGBT or whatever) and then shut down women of color when they talk about the intersectional oppression of being a black female, or a black member of the LGBT community. It’s best for us to

There was an excellent piece by an Orlando journalist around the time of the Vick scandal. It was entitled something like “If only Vick had hit a woman,” and in it, the author went on to discuss some of the more infamous cases in the NFL where dudes straight up attacked their wives, girlfriends, or kids and were

I am an American with dual citizenship abroad. We Americans, generally speaking for about 90% of the tourists in my area, have fairly earned our terrible reputation. The amount of straight up sociopathically vile, rude shit I’ve seen Americans (and not even teenagers or college kids— ADULTS!) pull is only second to

15 years ago, the other preschool parents thought I was weird because my kid would get broccoli and rice for lunch, and not a PB&J sandwich. I am gonna pretend I was just ahead of the curve, and not that she just hates peanut butter.


This is the greatest Kitchenette thread ever.

Mom is really getting to that stage. She’s 83 now (god...that’s a heavy thing for a 40 year old to write), and she spouts off church doctrine (we’re evangelical Pentecostal, ugh), she’s like “well, what harm could a gay couple do to a poor kid living in foster care? I don’t see any Christians coming out and adopting

In order to understand Pope Francis’ brand of Catholicism you have to understand Argentinas’. Catholic teachings often lean to what you cann “the left” in America: friendship, generosity, humility, brotherhood, etc. Sure, you can ask a priest of being gay is a sin and he will likely tell you “yes”, but chances are, he

The Curia have been busily tying them together to garrote him soon.

Watt bread.