
That is literally what people did.

That sounds like a plot line out of a Sex and the City episode, or a weird modernized version of a Jane Austen character.

Dickish question? why on earth?

By their own data, a majority (60%) of parents whose children have autism do not agree with the statement that vaccines were linked to their child’s autism. (You’d have to have a child with Autism to qualify for the resondent group for that question). So, they’re not just losing the arguement with the general public

You can think my association is tacky, that’s fine.

Including the LGB community.

Remember the time Cool-Pope compared transgendered humans to nuclear arms? Lots of the queer community glossed over that, but HOLY SHIT did they freak out about Kim Davis. We have to be there for our trans family. It’s fucked that we’re not.

This is fucking stupid.

And of course by their reckoning the need to “Protect the dignity of human life” only extends to forcing the mother to give birth and ends the split second the kid pops out of the womb. No support for pre or post natal care, nor a single fuck given what happens to the mother or child in the 18 years after.

i don’t understand why there are no animated gifs, but this is always necessary:

There aren’t mass killingsin countries without guns though. It’s a pretty basic equation. So I’d say if anyone looks foolish it's people like you trotting out that argument.

YES. I’ve spent about half my life in the US and about half in other countries (Germany, UK, Canada). All those other countries? They also had toxic masculinity and misogyny and racism and rape culture and large numbers of scary, unhinged white dudes with an aggrieved sense of entitlement. What they did not have is

I’m sure if guns were harder to get a lot of these kids would be dissuaded out of carrying this mass shootings. Or how come this only happens in the U.S.? Are people just statistically crazier there? I don’t think so. Pro-gun people say that criminals would break the law no matter what, but these kids are usually

Let me say this as a divinity student who’s knee deep the bible every day: the bible isn’t history, it has no real place in this conversation about historical human violence.

The part you are conveniently leaving out is how much more lethal guns are as a tool. The ability to kill or injure large groups of people in a very short time is really unmatched. The only other potential option is explosives, and those take so much more time, effort, skill, and planning to pull off that it would

This. Fix one problem and then we can focus on the next. Right now, guns are the tool being used to kill in large #s. Not bombs. Not cars. Not machetes. Not knives. Not sharks with frikkin laser beams attached to their heads. Guns.

so there! :P

Like, everything about that quote is wrong. Young men aren’t marginalized, there are plenty of workable paths to “manhood”, and the patriarchal definition of manhood is all wrong.

Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,

I feel like it’s really really really not my place to tell a black woman how to feel about Rachel Dolezal. Nor is it my place to judge her feelings. And I’d be kind of uncomfortable if Bobby went there.