
Only way I can picture that is if a woman gave her reason, not knowing she didn’t have to give one, and whatever place she was at decided not to give her the abortion.

There is also the issue of placing a burden on siblings who did not have any chance to make a choice at all.

I’m guessing if someone decided to challenge these laws in Supreme Court, they’d get taken down. Gender selective abortion isn’t really much of a thing in the US, and I imagine anyone who tries to get one in a state where it’s illegal would just lie about it anyway, so there hasn’t been the opportunity to challenge it.

100% agree. But until those services and that support are in place, some people simply aren’t going to be equipped to raise a special needs child, and I can’t condemn them for aborting based on that.

It’s extremely important that culturally, we move in the direction of disability acceptance. That includes both getting over the idea that Downs Syndrome and Autism are the most terrible things that could possibly happen to a child, but also actually providing real support and services to people with disabilities and

Excellent. I am sure this thoughtful law will be followed by a large budget shift so that any infants with severe disabilities will be given full, free lifetime housing, round the clock nursing care and behavioral therapy of the highest quality.

Personally, my reaction is “OMG THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD YOU SAY!” then laugh obnoxiously loud for a good minute to make the shame really sink in, then lecture about why they are so wrong and stupid.

Which raises an interesting point about a candidate who wants to be president but wasn’t born in the US. Are the right-wing birther crackpots not going after Cruz because Canada isn’t in Africa, or because he’s white?

As a Canuck I’ve literally never heard a single person bash universal health care. Not one. Sure, I’ve heard people bitch about this or that small part of it (why do we have to get our health cards renewed now? Why can’t we fast track med-school equivalency testing for immigrant doctors?) but every single one of us

I want to be as bad a bitch as Penny Wong when I grow up. Nothing but props.

Unless you have the backstory why she acted in this derisive way, the word you’re looking for is ‘polite’. If he had done this to her she would have tweeted about it under the hashtags #oldboysclub #sexism #icedout #whatwomenhavetodealwith etc

See, this is confusing to me because we said “fuckboy” in college—I’m an Old, suuuper White and went to a very White school. We used it as one would use “donor”, “slam piece” or “dial-a-dick”. A fuckboy was someone you would do it with but who enjoyed no other place in your life or perhaps even your social circle. I

Like, I get there are people who are going to be assholes to others no matter what. Either you’re too fat or too skinny, it doesn’t matter to them, they will try to bum you out. And I get “eat a sandwich” or “ew you can see her ribs” are rude and esteem stabbing things to say to someone, and you don’t tear someone

I would have to ask them, “Is that how you *feel* or do you have data to back up that assertion?”

No. You’re wrong. You don’t. You want sex anytime you think about it, someone who makes a damn good sandwich and for her friends to just shut the hell up. Get your act together or we’ll kick you out of our man club! Now where’s your woman? I need a beer.

But seriously, this isn’t what happens when you get 2000 men in a

The thing that pains me on a deeper level than a lot of this is the viewpoint that men and women are so goddamn different that any relationship will have nails on chalkboard issues inherent. Of course you’re going to have shitty relationships with that attitude.

Here’s the thing about weddings: no one else gives a fuck about your wedding.

YES. I’m dealing with a lot of this, except it’s my fiance who wants a bigger, more traditional wedding. I wanted a super cheap, DIY, self-catered BBQ party in a local park. My family and friends would have been fine with that. But my fiance really didn’t like that idea- he needs air conditioning and real chairs, and

my engagement ring was my husband’s grandmother’s, not a diamond (which i prefer and i happen to love my ring). you can’t imagine how many times people say with a sad face, “oh it’s not a diamond...”

Yaaaay! We’re the globe’s penis!