
Which terrorists though? I mean, sure, lots of terrorist organisations oppose giving women education and control over their body, ranging from the extreme ISIS/Taliban side of raping, enslaving and controlling women to the Catholic IRA’s opposition to divorce and abortion, but given that there are environment

she could say puppies are fluffy and nice to pet and they’d manage to invent a way to spin that into a negative statement.

I never minded that, so much (like, obviously such people are a bit socially inept, but I personally never had an issue with that). It was more the people who would just TALK, for easily half an hour, about their lives, often with no prompting and while I was TRYING to do my job. Annoying.

Wow, you’re just a really nasty piece of work then.

This is part of my hatred for the tipping system - for every server who benefits from it, there’s another being stiffed, and it makes calculating your income so unstable.

You’re a moron, but I’m going to reply and be polite anyway -

Thank you. Honestly, I don’t see why it would be an issue - it would lift the price of items, but should only do so to what people currently pay while factoring in the tips they’re supposed to pay. So really, the only people being charged “more” are those who don’t pay tips (and they’re bad people, so who cares?).

Well, not to American bash (...who am I kidding, that’s like a sport here ;) ) but yeah. There does seem to be some weird extra level of entitlement when it comes to being treated like royalty just because you flashed a tip. Like, what? No, I won’t like the ketchup off your shoe, have some tomato sauce for god’s sake.

I’m lucky enough that wait staff are relatively well paid, but in such a tight profit margin industry there are always businesses trying to get away with underpaying staff. Thankfully, public opinion is with the servers and a few high profile cases of it have resulted in companies changing their policies to pay staff

There is no living wage threshold though.

Customers do not tip based on service.

Wow. I’m just. Wow.

That is exactly my point - servers shouldn’t be held to customer’s often unreasonable and arbitrary expectations, but if they do their job competently then they should be paid enough to live on, just like any other employee in any other industry.

Yep - as I’ve said above, you need a ‘real’ minimum wage that keeps up with inflation and reflects the actual cost of living. Nobody should need to work three “minimum” wage jobs just survive.

I just wish more people would listen to it. Sigh.

I could understand if people are excited, and it’s sometimes cute if a kid tells you its their birthday, but yeah - why the hell some customers want to tell you ALL ABOUT their lives, I have no fucking clue. I do. Not. Give. A. Shit. And that’ll be $28.30, thanks.

Sigh. So what you just said is because it doesn’t affect you and is a low numerical stasitic, you get to ignore it and make jokes about it and not give a shit - sounds familiar.

I can understand that - I mean, if you’re working full time and have a base rate of $7-10/hour then plus tips, you’d be doing pretty well and would indeed lose money if the tipped system were eliminated. But, overall, I personally think it does more harm than good, and I’d hope the lucky ones getting a good gig with

I think it’s a system where both the customer and the server lose - customers either have to pay a tip because they know that is factored into the server’s wage or the server misses out because the customer believes the tip needs to be earned.

Businesses just need to pay their employees reasonable salaries. Then the tips can be used what they are meant for; complimenting an astounding service.