
There are many cases of men being raped by women - men can’t always control physical reactions and can be aroused (as in get an erection) without their consent/control through being stimulated. Through this, women CAN rape men without needing to penetrate them (although this happens too). In the cases where it

Oh. My. Gawd. That’s appalling :/ And I’m sure there will be jobs for scientists as soon as we get rid of Tony Abbott. I promise, we’re working on it.

I can’t even believe that’s a thing :/ I’m so glad that (as far as I’m aware) isn’t a thing in Australia, I would absolutely crack the shits if someone tried to tip me with religious paraphernalia.

Exactly :/ Man it pissed me off when I worked in the service industry when someone told me they were “paying for my smile” or some other bullshit. No, you’re paying to have a meal served to you that you didn’t have to cook or clean up after. I will smile and be polite, but if I informed you softly that the head chef’s

Oh, that’s exactly what I meant, sorry - eliminate the tipping system and have a living wage.

Another reason I hate tipping systems - because it makes customers feel entitled to the server being their personal performing monkey. They tip you, you sing and dance and do whatever they want for them. Fuck. All. That. Shit.

See, this is why I hate tips. Because there’s this attitude that tipping (which is really just corporations finding a nifty way to pass wage costs off onto customers) means the server has to basically be their slave. The sheer entitlement of morons who claim that the standard of service would decrease if they didn’t

I really think moving away from a tipped system can only be a good thing for servers - it removes the power trip aspect that some arseholes get off on. They can’t basically insist servers bend over backwards for them in the hopes of a tip, they can’t take away money from a server for things that are entirely outside

Same goes for crocs - don’t poke them with a stick, don’t swim where a rangers tells you bloody not to, otherwise you will be eaten. You. Will. Get. Eaten. Which you likely deserve, if you think playing with a crocodile is a fun thing to do.

Annnd that reply just basically proved you’re a piece of shit :/ Sorry, a “nice guy”. Yeah.

Wow, you don’t sound like an arsehole at all :) I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you’ve never looked at your bank account and had to decide if you eat or pay rent this week.

Yeah, you’re not meant to pour wine like that - it’s pretty poor form for a winery. However, yeah, that doesn’t excuse her being a bitch. My partner is a bit of a wine snob, but he’d just silently wince then complain to me under his breath, not be an arsehole about it.

Yep. The only time I’ve ever even mentioned to a server that there was something wrong with my food after eating more than half of it was the few times there was something REALLY fucking wrong with it - one time there was glass in a dish, another time some ceramic plate, and a third time ants.

I agree that might be the most obvious, but I can imagine some pro-life moron in her world deciding to bring an action against her (the hypothetical mum) if they found out she was planning an abortion after hearing the fetus might have Down Sydrome - I can see some pro-life/abusive biological father using it to try

The article said that similar laws had been ruled invalid in the federal courts, didn’t it? So assumidly if these were challenged, the same would be found? Although given that no one has to disclose WHY they have an abortion, any legal action around it would be messy as hell... (I’m assuming it would stem from someone

I know families who had a third child because they didn’t want that burden to fall on just one sibling.

As an Australian with a similar health care system, I can tell you right now that no one here complains either - sometimes we’re frustrated by the long wait times for elective procedures or non-emergency stuff, but otherwise it’s pretty awesome. I’m between healthcare plans at the moment (aka I don’t have private

I’m at a university with a faculty student society - at the risk of doxxing myself, lets just say that one of the women who is an Equity Officer openly declared that we needed a “men’s rights officer”. Without irony or sarcasm. She genuinely believes that men are so marginalised in society that they need an officer to

My mother and I have a seriously shitty relationship, but generally speaking she tends to embarrass my sisters more than she does me - mostly because it’s a sheer miracle if she refers to me or acknowledges me at all while in public.

No, she’s a badass who has to deal with the Government being fucking morons who hate women, deny climate change, are homophobic arsewipes, and are generally running our country into the ground. As a woman and a lesbian, Wong has had to put up with Hockey’s party telling her she’s a bad mother, is damaging her