
Most places, if not all, won’t even have it (and the few that do have lots of American patrons). We hear an American accent and instantly assume you’re going to ask for Fosters or something equally shitty.

100% agreed and exactly my thought when I saw the ‘Editor’s Note’. The shit my co-workers and I said to each other was fine (but also not - if our boss had heard us, we’d have likely been in trouble, but it was fine between us), but if a customer had spoken to me like that, even trying to be funny, I’d have felt at

1. You don’t fucking say. You people are obsessed with calling things by weird and incorrect names.

I know. It’s appalling and makes me so glad we don’t have that system.

Gee, really?? Maybe I was being facetious? I’m not sure though, let me know if you work it out.

Everything but the tits, sorry sweetheart. I will however protect from all the nasty creatures you yanks are so scared of.

Oh lord don’t get me started on Tony fucking Abbot.

I know - when people at Maccas wanted a raise to 15 (aka bring the min wage to $15), we heard so much from people working genuinely harder jobs objecting on the basis that they got $10/hr and didn’t want to be earning the same/less as a worker at McDonalds, without once seeming to realise that they were actually just

Afterall, people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work five of those below the poverty line jobs!! The government isn’t in the business of helping people, now, is it??

In that case, I’m very sorry to disappoint but I grew up outside of Australia and live in Melbourne, so I have a VERY mild Australian accent that verges on slightly upper class London/British the more excited I get :P SORRY!

Everyone always says that, but really they’re not so bad. Just, y’know, don’t be bitten by them :)

So very sorry for giving your glorious country far too much credit. Altogether now: USA! USA! USA!

I have an American friend who, if gay marriage ever becomes legal here, I have (only a little jokingly) offered to marry him and make him an Australian citizen :P He’s a veteran, now studying to be a paramedic, and he’s been on a waiting list to see a therapist for his PTSD for about a year and a half now and even

I did. My computer, the internet and kinja have all been conspiring against me today.

Our cat once brought me a live mouse and everytime it tried to run away he would swat it back towards me, basically trying to give me the easiest kill ever, while I screamed hysterically for my partner to come save me. Suffice to say, any alive or dead mice the cat brings to the house, I make my partner deal with

Holy crap they pay people AU$4 an hour?! Even after raising it to US$10.10 that’s about... *furious mental calculations* About AU$14. Which is roughly minimum wage here for a 15 year old. I mean, some places can push to pay less but legally they’re being dodgy as fuck. Holy shit what is wrong with your country?!?! I

It would just be vegemite with a weird bland pea taste :D Truly sounds gross! But not as gross as vegemite chocolate, so there you go...

And that is why you have to pay the other countries to play with you in the schoolyard.

Thank you very fucking much.

It really is. But I bet you grew up eating it same as me. My sisters didn’t try it until they were teens, and they both haaate it, same as our mother. My step dad ate pea and vegemite sandwiches as a kid - we don’t talk about that, though.