Because, just like you, they have a very advanced form of Stockholm Syndrome and don’t realise what they’re doing is wrong.
Because, just like you, they have a very advanced form of Stockholm Syndrome and don’t realise what they’re doing is wrong.
You people have stupid names for stupid things. I’m almost impressed.
Still sounds like an abomination you need to be raised on to think is edible. Like Vegemite.
And Americans also ruin scones by putting sugar in them. Seriously, what are they drinking over there??? Oh right, Cool Aid. Nevermind.
Plus she wasn’t talking to a patient who is emotionally involved - she thought she was talking to fellow professionals in an area where such things would be likely already sort of known and expected.
100% agreed. I dumped two therapists when they insisted on using a “careful” voice with me - the one I stayed with was brisk and matter of fact and kept mostly to facts and medical knowledge, as opposed to a bunch of touchy feely crap delivered in breathy hushed tones as if using a normal voice might make me have a…
I would not eat it. You couldn’t pay me too. Well, maybe if it was a lot of money...
It’s adorable that you tried to make it sound nice but you just made me barf a little. Seriously, whyyyy do you people eat this??? I mean, yes you live in the South, but you don’t need to keep punishing yourself like this...
Even if she was suffering from severe head trauma, they should have then gotten her medical treatment :/ As horrible as the suggestion is, violent sexual assault could potentially have been traumatic enough to drive her to suicide? But again, that would be directly blamed on the police...
Also, what the fuck is “fried chicken-steak”?! Chicken fried steak??? Steak fried in chicken??? I’m so confused and horrified and disgusted...
It’s one of those foods you just kind of have to ignore what it looks like and go for it.
Oh Lord... This is a very good reason why judges should not be politically appointed... Our High Court (SCOTUS equivalent) appointments are political but it doesn’t seem to be as big an issue here... I mean, the AG is political, but really they don’t get to do much, or have much influence over the judiciary.
I have to agree with you there. Gut feeling (based on nothing more than a vague connection to this area and studying law)? That she agreed to do it for no or a nominal sum in order to get some face exposure or because she didn’t think it would go anywhere and had no other work lined up. And now that it went viral and…
The ‘biscuits’ (because they’re not, really, are they?) and ‘gravy’ (same thing) look like someone vomited on some scones. How do people eat that and then encourage others to eat it??? Is it a South USA conspiracy to trick people into eating something so disgusting? Or is it because they just don’t want to admit how…
Yes. Thank you. There are parallels between this and the insane mandatory detention regime in Australia -refugees who arrive in Australia by boat are automstically placed in off shore detention centres, where hideous abuse occurs and conditions are appalling. The most annoying argument in favour of it is that refugees…
I don’t get the issues in the US surrounding vaccines. I assume most people (and especially those who oppose them) would completely freak out if they knew it was standard to receive vaccines at school here in Australia (Victoria)? We would line up, all several hundred 13 or 15 year olds, and get them done one after…
A variety of disparate and generally reputable sources have told me KFC in countries other than the US doesn’t actually taste like roadkill with a virulent skin fungus
Agreed - whenever someone I’m vaguely interested in even perusing a serious friendship with admits or smugly informs me they vote hard right, I have to walk away. Otherwise we’ll just argue and I see no fun in that. I have many friends who I disagree with, including over politics, but none of the them would actually…
I know a guy in the US who considers Applebee’s to be the height of haute cuisine, which saddens me.
At least you’re also sensible enough to admit it instead of screaming over your monogrammed thermos that you’re a steak aficionado and if chain steak is good enough for you, it’s damn well good enough to be fancy ;)