
I think it’s that when you eat at restuarant, you expect the ingredients to be of a certain quality. You don’t go to a very nice seafood place expect frozen prawns, you know? And in fact you’d be insulted and furious at being given frozen prawns and charged the price of fresh ones.

Yeah, no. It just shouldn’t be a thing...

Surely it makes Italians weep?

Wait, sTOP!!! People put...butter...in pesto??? NO! It’s just basil leaves, olive oil, pine nuts and maybe Parmesan cheese. Send me anyone putting butter in their pesto and my Italian partner will turn them into carpaccio.

That’s pretty much how my partners his steak after I introduced him to it XD and how I USED to eat mine before I became vegetarian :( I miss steak...

I agree, venison guy is worst - meat can be blue and taste fine (even totally raw, some people don’t mind that, although I’d upchuck at the idea). But ruining it by wanting it over cooked, and then seasoning without tasting??? Yeah, I’d wanna take his fingers off with a cleaver.

Someone teold me there’s another petition going around, unfortunately with fewer numbers and attention, that has tried to eliminate the sexism from the original petition. Don’t know if that’s true (I asked if someone had signed it, and they said they’d signed A petition to her to step down, but not that exact one)

I have no issue with reddit in a general sense either - I personally don’t get it (it makes me feel old...) but my sisters love it and many of my friends use it. Parts of it (ok, huuuuge parts of it) are gross and offensive and people there can be awful (from what I’ve heard/been told/read abut) but I don’t see any

Ok, we get it, Jezebel hates Reddit - but seriously, given the HUGE number of people on it and the extremely diverse range of topics that are discussed, it’s a bit much to lumb the whole lot in together and smother it with scorn and loathing. Personally, it’s not my thing. But my sisters are both on it and love it

I eat at places that appear popular, and love combing the back streets for new, exciting places to eat - I’m not sure how asking strangers for directions is “when in Rome, do as the Romans” situation. I use maps and look things up online so as to have the best time I can without getting lost or wasting my own and

Like, I think it’s great that the library wants to encourage boys to read, given that’s an issue, but um, don’t run a special robotics session then ban girls. That ain’t fair on anyone. Surely there are ways encourage boys into the library that don’t also include gender segregation and sexism...

Um, no. Aside from the fact that I entirely take public transport when on holiday, or walk/bike around, I am NOT asking anyone no matter how friendly they may seem where I should eat - one individuals idea of good food might not be mine - I definitely prefer to look up ideas online, that way I can actually choose what

I had whooping cough as a kid - it was awful, really really awful and could have killed me, and likely would have if I hadn’t been vaccinated. Being vaccinated saved me life, and the fact that everyone else was also vaccinated meant no one else got sick... How can these people be so moronic?!

My sister is mildly autistic and it certainly has nothing to do with vaccines. I’m the closest my family has to anyone with any kind of needle related injury, due to a severe childhood illness that left me with scarring from the drips in my arm and hand. Is there any proof anyone without some OTHER condition has ever

As a fellow Australia, I’m refusing to watch any program she’s on or buy any publications advertising it has content covering her and her bullshit. I cannot stand her, and I fully sympathise with your desire to punch her lights out.

This shit drives my partner (and me, I suppose :P) crazy - he works in the games industry and is gay, and but doesn’t get too much shit because he passes heteronormative, and it drives him absolutely ape shit when women and gay guys dismiss the abuse they get and say they hate feminism or have ‘total equality’. He

That’s what he WANTS you to think...

Personally I’m wondering if Mark has Pinky tied up and gagged somewhere, in order to write this story...

Yeah, I always add mint to mine :P

Or because you’re cooking or cleaning or didn’t notice your phone or having a shower or going to the toilet (yes that can take more than 5 minutes, the bathroom book my partner choose is really good and sometimes I’m there for 30 minutes don’t judge me), just doing something else that is more engrossing than one’s