
Nah, that’s just adorable (and disgusting). I have been introduced to iced tea very recently at the urging of US friends, and as long as it’s not too sweet or I can water it down with mineral water, I quite like it. Only one of them though knows what a teapot is or how to use it, and it makes me feel very sad...

1000% true. None of the airlines here have free luggage (that I’m aware of). I’m going to Sydney this Sunday for a conference and it was $15 to have a checked bag (and one could ‘upgrade’ the weight allowed by paying an additional $5 - $10).

Americans can have good tea. But I’ve also been informed by US friends that they also sometimes microwave their water and use the cheapest most awful teabags... And don’t know that milk can be added...

Tea emergencies can include but are not limited to: something bad happened; something good happened; something might happen soon but I’m waiting to see; it is the afternoon; it is the morning; something reminded me of tea; there is a social gathering that requires tea.

Do you know what they cook their fries in?

I believe they have reasonable profit margins overseas, or at least in Australia? Maybe they should do what they do here? Have actually respectable meat in not sugar drenched buns with lots of fresh trimmings (mostly salad), have smaller food servings and more healthy options (water instead of soft drink, salad

My mum: “just because you can’t find a girl who is attracted to you doesn’t mean you need to be gay!”

Are they actually a couple?! What is this???

I’m being kinja-ed so this is the first gay marriage article I’ve been able to reply on since 1 am last night when the news broke in Australia. I have been crying pretty much ever since because it’s wonderful and beautiful and would my damn country PLEASE get with the program?!

People say one of my sisters looks exactly like my step-dad’s mum at the same age. Just more proof my mum was having that affair with him before the divorce with my biological dad :D

I have the fun opposite - people look from my two (half) sisters and my step dad to me and sort of wince, because while I could be related to my sisters in the way that all white skinned blond/brown haired people with blue eyes could be kinda related, there’s no way my step dad is my real dad, they say. Funnily

I don’t totally agree - I don’t fully know how policing works in the US, but here it can be a real fucking nightmare, with different people being assigned different cases, if there seem to be rational explanations for most then you’re only left with two or three women who actually mysteriously vanished/were killed and

Yeah, the more I consider details the more I’m thinking I just won’t give a toss what the in-laws (conservative Italian Catholics) or even my family (conservative Irish Catholics) think of the wedding - we’re paying for it, we’re gonna do it our way, so they can just suck on our rainbow wedding cake.

If it’s a really nice restaurant with a cloth napkin, a new one should be provided when they bring the cutlery for dessert :P If it’s a paper napkin, just ask for more!

Yep - placing the cutlery crossed or resting on the edge of the plate (as if you were holding it then just placed it on opposite edges of the plate, resting on the table) means that you’re not done in Australia. Putting the cutlery together and totally sitting on the plate means you’re finished - napkin as well on the

Yep. I once actively said (as much as I hated using it as an excuse, as if I was another man’s property so that meant I was off limits) “Go away, I’m engaged”. The response? “So we just won’t tell him!” *vomits* It’s about power, about making you uncomfortable, and maybe getting something as well out of their

I have no view on the real facts thing :P I think it’s meant to be cute, yes.

While I do agree, in general, I think it’s also hard for police to connect this - drug user over doses on drugs, person in poverty commits suicide, a murder yes but with a sex offender in custody for the crime, someone disappeared but could have just wanted out of the environment... It can be hard to make a pattern

Ah. The closest I guess to an acceptable franchise coffee here is Gloria Jeans - there is Starbucks, but suggesting to friends that they get that might pose a serious risk to your health and safety.

No, its the genuine opinion of our Prime Minister. Coal is good for the environment and the economy and is the energy source of the future.