
The more I hear about these guys, the more I question my aversion to organised religion...

You know what the funniest part of this was? The “Free Education NOW” bit at the end. And they’d never get the joke...

An interesting read on the subject if anyone is interested (or sees me in the greys :( ). Basically, it argues that the whole point wasn’t to actually get this law past, it was to make us all have this conversation, make it seem like some kind of legitimate suggestions (and it will be to some people, as scary as that

I’m not entirely sure how that would legally work, but would interested to hear if it was possible! But at the very least, I wouldn’t be friends with that person anymore - their criminal behaviour cost the couple their reception.

No, I’d be genuinely concerned that they want me to drown my partner’s aunt Carmel in a coffee... Although not too concerned, because she’s rather horrible.

Exactly! These people sound like the most entitled idiots...

Yep. I’ve noticed it’s only directed at people who either work in low skilled jobs (like fast food places) or in entertainment (like music, video games, authors). If all those people went and got “real” jobs according to the definition of the person who says it, um, society would basically become miserable.

I’m...not sure what a Timmie is o.O

Can you also deal with mine? Otherwise I’m just gonna unfriend this dickwad who keeps telling me I’m being an intolerant, discriminating oppressor for telling him the flag is racist as all hell...

I want to be cynical about this too, but given how many people STILL don’t see why the flag is an issue, I can’t help but feel a tiny bit pleased at least this guy has changed his mind...

Well, it’s not like it hurts, you know? Removing racist symbols does help make it clear to racists that their views are not tolerated - allowing to remain would only further legitimise their views, so between the choice to leaving it and removing it, it’s surely a no-brainer? Changing symbols and language, while to

Yep. My partner makes video games for a living. He does well enough that he is currently supporting me while I go to law school. But people still continue to scoff and tell him to get a “real job” - apparently making the products other people use as hobbies doesn’t count as a “real job” because reasons I still cannot

Yep. I once mentioned to someone that I knew a Mr Lawyer and she got all “oooh, that person has the same name as partner at a law firm someone I know very vaguely used to work at! How funny! Imagine if YOU knew the partner!” I was so unimpressed with her that I didn’t even bother pointing out that I’m actually very

If someone said “Car-mel” to me I’d think they were saying the name and not caramel.

My partner drinks long or short blacks, depending on his mood, but will very occasionally get a shot of Irish Cream in his coffee. Apparently this one time he went with his co-workers to get coffee and the new guy ordered some falvoured, sweetened, milk foam and whipped cream on top with sprinkles monstrosity, and my

Um, the correct thing to do is actually to mix your nerds THROUGH your icecream. That kid needs teachin’.

I loooove it when teenagers say to me “daddy/mummy is a lawyer!” Guess what, sweetheart, so is my mum - so are half my friends - I’m in law school - I’m on first name terms with one current and one ex High Court judges (equivalent of SCOTUS). What firm is your mummy/daddy at, maybe I’ll say hi for you next time I’m

Yeah, we’re pretty chill has a general rule - there are only really two thinks we take super seriously and it’s beer and coffee. And we really hate Starbucks.

I’m not American, but an exchange student from the US had it as a badge on their bag - I must admit, the reaction from everyone in the class was shock and outrage, although myself (openly, flamboyantly gay) and the students of colour (Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Asian and African descent) were mostly silent -

My bet is they did - they didn’t cancel the reception because people got hurt, they canceled it because the gun still hadn’t been located. Hell, they’re lucky they let them proceed with the wedding at all, hotel probably could have kicked them out straight away. Seems pretty legit, I seriously doubt they have much