
This was the best damn thing I’ve read here in ages.

I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.

This was an incredible article. These are the things I return to this website for, thank you

aretha franklin, our collective grandmother who just learned to use the internet and took it way too far

Seems irresponsible to wildly speculate on someone’s recent death. “You know, I heard he had heartburn. It might have been the plague."

Nooo they were the only ones selling reasonably-priced underwire swimsuits that were targeted to mid-20s/30s crowd. Where am I gonna go now?

From cheesyblasters

Pretty sure that’s a pooping deer in headlights.

I know this face. I make this face constantly. I pretty much am this face.

This is an excellent question. I’ve gathered a panel of experts on the female body to see if they can find out what exactly is going on with... all that:

Omg, I hate people like that. I put one of those signs on my apartment door that says “In case of fire, there is/are_ pet(s) inside” and you put the number next to the type of pet. My supremely ignorant and small-minded ex-sister-in-law said something like “But they shouldn’t be saving animals before people.” I

To be fair, this piece was generally considered to be a fairly unethical hit job (for instance, the writer goaded MIA to have the truffle fries and then used it as a point to illustrate her privilege, as we knew from, as i recall, released tapes of the interview). Also, Ben Bronfman is in fact the son of a billionaire

I would like for people, esp. other people of color, to stop acting as if black people are in this privileged position where everybody takes our concerns more seriously than they take the concerns of other marginalized groups.

Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.

This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little

I read your comment to my two kids, Adidas and Snickers, and they’re unhappy with you.

Curious how they can replicate my left eyeball feeling like it’s been driven through with an ice pick...unless they drive an ice pick through someone's left eyeball...

“I really wish I could experience the searing pain and nauseau of a migraine!”- No one ever

“We give each other compliments. He’ll say, “You look beautiful,” or “That looks great.” Or I’ll say, “I don’t know about this outfit,” and he’ll say, “No let’s change that.” And I’ll absolutely say to him, “You know what? No T-shirts.” [Laughs]

How do you see the clothes from the seasons???? I can only see a quarter of a photo on each paragraph. I must unlock the secret to reading at this fabulous post. Please help!