
Intent matters. Clearly they didn’t mean it in the malicious ‘ER’ sense.

So you’re always offended, no matter what? Cool.

They’re both very bad, but what Cosby did was FAR worse than what Weinstein did.

Could you correct it again to ‘JavaScript’?

‘I think wypipo are pranking us with overt racism followed by “Who me?”’
But the teacher whose idea it was and who put it into practice wasn’t white. Why even include that, Angela?

I wonder if these people who protest by blocking the streets think they are making people more or less sympathetic to their cause.

You are also a racist, Michael. You view everything through a racial lens.

But...But I thought we were all the same.

I’m curious from your perspective, what is in it for the business owner? In terms of spending more than 1% of their time/money catering to such a minuscule portion of the populous.

I hated how often they seemed to shoehorn Iris being the ‘leader’ or the ‘boss’ of the team.

Wendy’s has no chill.

are you serious with this? lololol


Can’t blame them for trying to protect their most frequently stolen items from theft.

Literally everything is racist, amirite?

You mad.

“It also has a habit of inserting non-compete clauses into its leases that prevent any other establishment, including mom-and-pop stores, from serving coffee.”

That’s not a Sbux-specific ‘habit’, it’s a normal Real Estate practice. For example if I put a dry cleaner in a plaza, it would be common for them to not want

Or he simply doesn’t agree with you. You are a self-professed ‘Afrofuturist’ and see everything through that lens. He may not be.

Ever the victim.

As a black man this is the only instance I’ve ever seen where a black woman wanted a man to touch her hair in any way.