This is the most interesting sports story I've ever read
This is the most interesting sports story I've ever read
Baseball's replay system isn't working on any level. It has slowed the game down a bunch and they're not getting the calls right. AND, important plays aren't reviewable because of some arbitrary standard. Scrap it.
I've seen quite a few "easy" overturns be upheld so far this season. I think because the umps in NY rotate out and have to go back on the field, rather than being permanent, they are worried about embarrassing or screwing over some other ump and then have the tables turned on them. Most calls that "probably should" be…
I think this is an instance where the "central office" thing is a problem. I can see that they're going for speed and objectivity, but the umpires should have a say in what they saw, what they thought they saw, and how the replay might affect their understanding of a play. I noticed in a Rangers game the other day…
Culturally, ethnically, historically and geo-politically, calling Croatia "Eastern Europe" is not incorrect.
This is a video of ISIS taking Mosul
The fight broke out after a disagreement as to whether "Mexico is the Croatia of North America" or "Croatia is the Mexico of Europe."
Yes I think they only care about the money and positive PR they can get by masquerading as a concerned organization.
I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.
"Those (goals) were flukes."
There is nothing the Americans can point to—not their exceptionalism, or heart, or hustle—to explain why they left Arena das Dunas with a victory.
Doesn't it feel great to act superior to newcomers and scare them off from liking something new and different?
Can we agree to stop calling the US men's team USMNT? It looks too much like TMNT and that is a problem. That headline would be so much more awesome if it were about Ninja Turtles.
You're right, that's why the media won't publish the names of mentally ill suspects. Oh, except when they do. As in, all the time.
Dickerson didn't look like he gave a single shit when he hit Laird, and if anything it looked like he was mad the game had to be delayed for him. Pitcher hit him not because he thought it was intentional, but that Dickerson was being an asshole.
White outrage is fucking annoying as shit. It's not our fucking place to be telling anyone what they should be outraged by. It is our job to know our privilege, to stfu and listen to POC. And to use our privilege to change shit.
Why is it always white authors who are always looking to find hidden racism in media and declare how terrible it is? Sometimes it feels like white authors are trying to explain racism to the Black community and how offended people should be. Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell…
I think it is problematic to assign these bodily attributes to black women as a whole. Personally, I consider these womanly attributes.
White people getting angry at white people for what may or may not offend black people. LOL
I for one am just glad that there are no ancient egyptians around so we can all be spared the jezebel outrage article (that writes itself) on the cultural appropriation of ankhs and sphinxes and what not.