
One thing I read about that NEVER reported but makes all the difference in the world: So freaking what if it increases your cancer risk by 10% if you consume gallons of the food/drink a day, WHAT is your cancer risk to START with? Because a 10% increase of a 1% risk is nothing. But a 10% increase of an 80% risk does

SAME. This feels like fucking pseudoscience. Often, the science behind these findings is complicated, the studies are incomplete, and the correlations are as strong as people are making them out to be.

And it always feels like we are one study away from finding out the opposite conclusion anyway.

I just feel like destroying is a waste. If you can donate them to science and help scientists improve ivf for future patients then why would you not? But it’s an individual’s choice and I guess some people feel weird about it.

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I feel the same. There goes another person who inspired me being a total dirtbag. My grandpa had old Mighty Mouse VHS and that’s where I learned about cartoonists like John Kricfalusi and Ralph Bakshi and made me want to start drawing. I really like Katie Rice’s work she has some really awesome designs. I just can’t

Oh goddammit. I loved “Ren & Stimpy.”

Are you my spirit animal? There are two women who always talk to each other in my Orangetheory class and it makes me irrationally angry.

I heard him on a commercial the other day and the way he pronounced his own name made me immediately hate him. I usually give people pretty wide leeway in this area, but he made both first and last name rhyme with “hot” or “top.” Zahhhhch Brahhhhhff. I full-body grimaced. I didn’t know if it was a joke, because he’s

The real Alex explained it on the podcast. He said when he worked at This American Life Hollywood types would come to them to option stories from their episodes all the time. They would spend a ton of time working out a deal for the rights and then it would never get made it. So he said when someone game to Gimlet

You’re able to put things much more succinctly than I am... But yes, that’s the gist of it. The US may have a little more on her table, still, because of the death rate Blacks suffer - at the hands of law enforcement, no less.

I saw him being a dick to his friends in New York at the height of Scrubs. His behavior on Punk’d was absolutely who he was.

He’s being replaced by Tim Gunn. I hope he’s wiser with money now than he used to be.

Do not trick me into clicking on a source again thinking it’s going to be a long overdue update on MC Hammer just to feel disappointment when I discover it’s actually about Armie Hammer. I do not give a fuck about Armie Hammer’s tracksuit.

Whatchu talking’ bout?

She said that a year after she left the company she ran into Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival, and “he told me that everything I had done was pointless.”

I don’t have any hard evidence but anecdotally I’ve seen that pretty often in an infertility facebook group I was part of. Annual storage is usually pretty cheap (relatively) so most people just get the letter every year, pay the annual fee, and kick the can down the road.

I’m not painfully white (but I’ll get painfully red if I step out in the sun in summer :-))

I did CPR on my mother, and it didn’t help. Even the neurologist later said that it wouldn’t have helped, but thanks for trying.


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Miscast is the best. This is the best one: