
OOOOh, now I really want to go kayaking (hope you’re enjoying your summer vacation and/or your career as an outdoor adventure guide).

I watch at work sometimes, which is a terrible idea. It’s just so nice to feel that chill during a boring workday!

Gentle Whispering. She’s so great, and I love how on point her nail game is for some reason.

Just a helpful FYI- you can find many singing bowl videos on YouTube. I use them to meditate (I sound so woowoo, but really, I’m trying to learn to find peace inside my own head instead of annoying the shit out of my boyfriend by playing British crime dramas via Netflix on my phone all day long to drown out my mean

It would be really tough to watch someone create a biopic of a close family member because there will always be aspects that come across as totally inaccurate, if not as outright lies in the service of weaving a compelling story. I feel bad for Liza Minnelli.

I’d like to hear more about your lovely bathroom. What sink goes with such a magnificent shower? What’s your storage sitch like? You got a heated towel rack in there? That shower looks like it could support the use of a heated towel rack.

So true. And so gross.

Instead of getting into Harvard, mom/dad are laser-focused on getting ONE MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!! (use the Oprah voice when reading)

I live in the same neighborhood as one of the Paul brothers. Their neighbors would greatly appreciate it if everyone would stop rewarding their awful behavior by watching their stupid channel.

Tell me your boss was cool about you being delayed, please. With a story like that, she/he hopefully didn’t give you a tough time.

He maybe doesn’t need to threaten people to ask them to return the cash, though, right?

Ha! I enjoyed picturing him yelling at other people to drop the cash while simultaneously shoving wads down the front of his pants.

I’ve driven that stretch of I-70 before and would be kind of shocked if there were cameras at that exit. Maybe a traffic camera, I suppose, but there is not a lot going on there. Indianapolis isn’t NYC or London, it’s not fully surveilled.

Plus, good luck tracking down a bunch of randos who are only tied together by the fact that they happened to be driving one of the most trafficked highways in the country on a Wednesday.

Holy sh**t! That’s absolutely insane. Honestly, our neighborhood is full of new construction that looks totally out of place (these big, modern concrete boxes) among the Spanish-style bungalows. And they are selling for obscene prices. I’m a little shocked that ANYTHING rents for 16 grand in this neighborhood.

I’m on the other side of the grove, by Canters. Hi neighbor! Have you checked out our NextDoor yet? It’s lit.

Threatening or harming a white person.

Ah yes, the old ‘bitch be crazy’ chestnut. A favorite among asshole dudes who want an excuse for their horrible behavior.


Michael doesn’t even seem interested in his wife as a human being. She seems like an accessory that, unfortunately, talks.