
She actually starts the day with her wig on correctly, closer to the forehead, but the wig spends much of its day trying desperately to escape her head. Thus, the wig is well on its way to jumping off by the time she’s filming.

My sister and I call him Charming Taters. I think it works.

My blog post is still up on Kinja. Wrote it at 30. DGAF.

Anything that brings Cosby to mind these days engenders revulsion in me. Old TV shows I watched when I was also watching the Cosby Show? Ugh. Fat Albert? Gross. Even Jello. And this definitely isn’t Jello’s fault.

In major cities and their suburbs, everything is open on Sundays with normal hours. I was in outlet mall hell two Sundays ago to appease visiting family, followed by Postmates-ing gluten free donuts and chicago style pizza at 8 pm. On Easter, I was at Trader Joe’s buying flowers and hummus. We may be weirdly


As a child, I felt personally vindicated when Bush Sr. said he didn’t like broccoli. This appeals to me on a similar level.

Exactly. I’m not sure what the benefit of publicizing this kind of fuzzy conclusion is. Other than sensationalism.

Enough of anything causes cancer. Even broccoli. I’ve got ‘this causes cancer’ fatigue at this point. There needs to be clear reporting up front on how much consumption it takes for the substance to increase your chances of getting cancer, and maybe a threshold for what level of needed consumption triggers legal

Yikes! That’s crazy problematic. I didn’t even make it halfway through that.

Thank you for sharing, genuinely- I always end up thinking ‘you’re an irrational jerk, IAmNotANumber7’. But that doesn’t stop me from shooting eye-daggers at them every evening. It’s a small, OrangeTheory-esque HIIT gym. Take it outside, chatty Cathies!

I hate to say it, but I love Arbys. Horsey/Arby sauce 4 eva.

To me, that seems like an eminently reasonable motivation for disliking him. But I was ready to muzzle two women who were having an animated conversation while I was trying to hear the instructor in my workout class last night, so I get annoyed pretty easily, I guess.

That’s really funny in a kind of maudlin way (they could’ve made some money if only they’ Spent the necessary time!).

Oooooh, what did he do??? (You don’t have to tell me, I’m just some nosy internet stranger. But I love anything that confirns my spidy senses about people)

Overall takeaway: I appreciate the moves that Command has been making.

High Maintenance is the very best. Slate turned me on to it back when it was on...YouTube? Vimeo? I dunno. But I love that the show transitioned to HBO without losing any of what originally made it wonderful. I especially love how the storyline this season reflected the circumstances surrounding the breakup of the

I wonder why they didn’t retain any creative control. That seems nuts to me.

TBH, as much as I enjoyed Hammer in those commercials, I was utterly delighted to see Tim Gunn. He makes me feel like my plastic Command Hooks are a classy, rather than a lazy, choice.

MC is currently fine, he’s rolling in sweet, sweet Command Hook ad money.