
Thanks for the info, but this still bugs me. Because France was in part built on that kidnapping, and throughout its colonies, it built great wealth on what was called “domestic slavery” - i.e., the fact that you did not need to “export” slaves if you just conquered their homelands.

The medical professionals that I know won’t do cpr because they either have access to a defib or don’t have access to a defib and CPR is pointless. Really the only consistent message I get across professionals.

I did a 40-hour Combat Lifesaver Course in the Army before I deployed to Iraq.

Used to teach CPR, and this checks out. If a) the person is having a heart attack and b) there’s an AED nearby it’s good, but CPR by itself IIRC has a success rate in the single digits.

It’s this kind of obvious, red-handed treachery that just leaves me speechless. Republicans will say and do anything to spin. I feel like Democrats don’t sink near as low? Maybe I’m biased there, but Santorum’s comments just made all my brain cells die. Or the part where he’s like, “People don’t want to fix their own

Well, you have to slap them and shout, “Live, damn you, live!” Otherwise it won’t work.

Yes, I suspect that’s correct. I just grabbed my dog (poor doggo, he didn’t know what to do) and headed across the street where a neighbor stood with me until the fire trucks showed up.

When I did CPR certification, it was conducted by a paramedic and he said the goal of CPR is to keep the heart fibrillating until you can get an AED and then spent half the time showing us how to use an AED.  

Yeah, I understand a child can work them- just place and push the button, more or less.

Thank you. People have such unrealistic ideas about how CPR works. Especially in the long term. The survival rate even if it works is less than you’d think when you look over the survival of the next year or two.

That chair and foot stool set:

I heard a...Radiolab?...where they talked to doctors and most of the doctors said they don’t want CPR performed on them because it has such a low chance of success. Yeah, it was this one: http://www.radiolab.org/story/262588-bitter-end/

Very true. I’d say it’s more important to learn how to aid someone who’s choking than how to do CPR, as the one has a lot higher success rate than the other. Beyond that, we need more accessible defibrillators, because when’s someone heart is stopped, THAT is what you need, not CPR. Some years back, a patron at the

I think it’s just assumed that’s what you’re supposed to do. When I called 911 after arriving home in the aftermath of my husband’s shotgun accident the dispatcher asked if I was performing CPR. When I told him no, he asked me why not. I believe I yelled something like “THERE’S NOTHING LEFT TO DO CPR ON!”. I wasn’t

That’s right! I did a First Aid Certification Course a couple years ago and he told us it almost never works, but you have to try anyway. Rick Santorum should do something, like maybe take a First Aid Certification Course, rather than expecting other people to fix his problem (i.e., irrational love of guns, being a

Anthony Bourdain is an asshole but “Pol Pot in a muumuu” made me laugh aloud during my kid’s violin lesson.

Yes. Omg I need more episodes.

Same! It was halting and pinched.

Thank you!

Now playing

Unfortunately there is a huge culture of coming into work sick, and my officemate is one of the worst offenders—in fact she came in on Friday just unbelievable sick and I was like “well, when I call out on Monday it’ll be thanks to you.”