
My best friend did the same thing in the photo in front of the White Horse Tavern, site of a bachelor party back a while ago ... what’s the statute of limitations for ruining a photo (I still have it, and for the right price I could scan it and post it if anyone is interested) ...

When God gives you lemons, make Lemonade. Or something.

Clearly a sign of the Second Coming.

I’m thinking Sojourner Truth or Rosa Parks.

How exactly are “Christians” being discriminated against in this country? I know ISIS/ISIL is beheading and crucifying and torturing them in the Middle East, but here? I searched the Internet. I mean, other than not being allowed to have prayer in public schools, or not having a stone monument of the 10 Commandments

I’m waiting for the new deluxe model of the Trump Tumbrel, perfect for that last ride to the guillotine! Order now—guaranteed on-time delivery for the impending revolution!

I have nothing to do with students, colleges and campuses, or even #BlackLivesMatter, and I usually don’t read these sort of posts, but I gotta say ... more power to them. Younger people have invariably gone to college idealistic and hopeful, with some sort of idea on how things need to be changed. I don’t think

Somehow I confused Teresa and her unfortunately badly pronounced surname (but hey, it’s her name) with the Real Housewife who does or doesn’t have cancer and did or did not die. You will better imagine my confusion when I add I have no idea who any of these reality-show celebrities actually are.

Checking your phone while you’re using a urinal is bad enough, but what about guys who watch porn on their cell with one hand and fondle their tool with the other? I mean, I don’t know anyone who does this, I’m just sayin’...

I’m now waiting for those same Republicans to proclaim Planned Parenthood the ISIS of American promulgating sexual slavery here. Unless they’ve already done that and I missed it.

Not for nothing, but why are two men “manning” the “pink world of lady-ccentric swag” at CPAC? Women aren’t pink enough? What?

I didn’t know conservatives knew what the word rectum means. Well except for that joke, “Rectum? Damn near killed him.”

I like to tell people that when I drink at parties, my homicidal urges invariably come out, and the DA’s office let me off with a slap on the wrist the last time. I’m not taking any chances.

Watery lobster is unforgivable wherever it’s eaten.

I’m not going to buy a refurbished Dyson fan from Amazon, stop selling used merchandise.

I’m not going to buy a refurbished Dyson fan from Amazon, stop selling used merchandise.

Damn, where are my teeth??

I think many would prefer a sheep.

My best wishes and/or condolences to Angela Raiola and her family, but what kind of headline is that? “Reports ... are allegedly false”? You can’t just check this out and say yes or no, she’s dead? As I said, my best wishes and/or condolences until the reports are confirmed, I guess. Journalism triumphs again.

Looks as if the revolution was televised after all.

Yowza! Take a gander at that goose too!!