
I mean when you make enough $ from streaming to outright buy a Nissan GT-R Black Edition like Summit did, I guess you can also wear a hat while streaming too

He wears the hat because when he doesn’t, the headset looks awkward because the (whatever the piece at the top of the headset is called) has a lot of clearance space from his head.

If I was autistic, are you suggesting that discounts the value of my opinions?

Hmm, and here I was thinking I was helping you out by ungreying YOU!

I really like your name by the way. I’m sure you have heard this before, hopefully not to the point that it has become annoying, but it makes me want to start rapping “A lodi dodi, we came to party” :D

I see you commenting on the various Gawker related sites and I have always wanted to ask: why Milton Berle’s cock? Was it impressive (in size or lack thereof)? Also, who is he? I could Google but I feel like it would be better to hear it from you.

Drug women for sex or take WITH the women to enjoy the sex more, mutually? Did the women want to take drugs with him or did he admit to forcing it on them? I’m curious. And I’m in no way insinuating they brought it upon themselves. Rape is rape. I’m asking if he gave them the drugs unbeknownst to them or if they were

I’m all set with watching it because, as I said, there is no evidence. So this episode would basically amount to opinion and statements which at the most only further sway public opinion without any presentation of fact.

I'm being 100% honest when I say I don't believe a word they say. Sorry you disagree with my opinion but that is bound to happen in an open forum.

I had an amazing childhood! No need to be sorry! ;)

I think you meant misogynistic** (mixed your Y’s and I’s up) which is surprising as it is the female go to word in an argument with men. Almost laughably so. Insult me if you wish to but it will not change my opinion.

Wow Alan, not very PC of you to insult autistic people. Once they're done ripping my opinion, you're next!

Wa wa wa wa I’m a woman and feel inadequate, time to insult male anatomy because he doesn’t have a PC opinion on something wa wa wa.

1. I do not care for attention on a gossip website but from your comment, I can tell that you might.

You're entitled to your opinion. A bit rude of you to insult me but, once again, you are entitled to speak your mind in an open forum. Seems to be quite a few angry women here lol so I am not surprised by the reactions to my opinion in the least. To each their own.

If it is true, it is horrible indeed. But people have done far more than put on theatrics of sadness in the pursuit of money. Innocent until proven guilty and I will remain skeptical until there is actual evidence to substantiate their claims. Was a crime committed or is this simply regret of a sexual encounter that

No trolling here. Just my honest opinion. Feel free to disagree with me.

Well we all want to feel important I suppose but no, I don’t care much for attention in the comments section of Jezebel, I came to voice my opinion as did all of the other commenters. Feel free to disagree with my opinion and even mock it, that’s your right. But it will not change how I feel on this topic.

I’m not trying to be edgy or discount them but I will wait for actual proof or something more than simple accusations before I make my mind up on how I feel about this. On one hand, if true, Mr. Cosby is a monster and a complete fraud. He pretended to be this fatherly figure of morality when he was instead a predator.

They are hi$ accuser$, can’t have victim$ without proof of there having been $omething done to them. Where’$ the evidence? $eem$ to be lacking a bit in thi$ in$tance.