Let’s break this down, shall we?
Let’s break this down, shall we?
Which one? They both were delightful.
that is an incredible sentence.
It looks like a cross section of Beldar Coneheads brain...
First, trying to eat that would probably look like I just went through a version of Thunderdome where all the competitors had copper-based blood.
Yoko has gone full Dennis Duffy. “Technology is cyclical!”
I’m not saying that she is lying, but
I don’t know, I like the sound of “Pesto dick.”
So it sounds like wikileaks has more dirt on Hillary— and has essentially promised that it’s enough to send Hillary to jail...
And there it is. It is no longer about Sanders, if it ever was. It's just about your precious unsustainable imaginary future and not the hard god damn work it's going to take to get there. Privilege plain and simple, what will it hurt if Trump gets elected? They won't feel any pain from his insanity.
this shows me that they’re not so much pro-bernie as they are anti-woman-in-charge. fuckers.
I want your nightmares. Mine involve this guy.
Content aggregators?
Brown and slick and soft and smelly
Every fucking place I have ever fucking worked. Every one.
When I consider all this stuff with Fox News, Ailes, and conservative male higher-ups in general, I can’t help being reminded of when we killed bin Laden and found a treasure trove of porn. All of these fuckers are hypocrites attempting to keep the stupid masses in check while they run around doing whatever the fuck…
I’m guessing, if you asked, she’d run away very quickly, leaping over any obstacle in her way.
Celebs like to get bespoke designer cracks in their phone screens. I’m betting Taylor’s screen was specially cracked by Gucci or some shit.
Don’t fall for that rope-a-dope bullshit. I grew up in the middle of a red state. There is nothing magical or noble about these fucking ignorant bigots. They’re dumb and mean. They have every opportunity to learn, it’s just that stupidity of that sort has become their tribal identity.
No I do, I sound like an asshole. I shouldn't judge a whole region since republicans do that and that makes it hypocritical. But at the same time.... Gays don't do anything to warrant the hate from small minded bigots. African Americans don't do anything to deserve the intense scrutiny and distrust they receive, it's…