As Liz Lemon says, the word “lovers” bums me out unless it’s between “meat” and “pizza.”
It was also interesting that Raven’s “tough love” never happened with her bestie Jasmine when Jasmine was acting a goddamn fool about Matt. You can’t pick and choose when you wanna keep it real, girl.
Did anyone else think it was weird last night how Raven was “being a good friend” to Kristina last night by telling her Dean “just wasn’t that into” her? Like, I’m not sure it was that obvious when every conversation we saw between Kristina and Dean was him being apologetic and not really ever telling her clearly that…
I feel like it actually has nothing to do with Kanye but she’s playing into the fact (read: profiting from) everyone thinking it is.
Favorite reaction so far.
And the time Chloe got some ballet scholarship and Maddie didn’t?
Not going to lie the one time Chloe beat Maddie and won some championship, i was more jazzed about the outcome of a child’s dance competition than I needed to be
Well dontcha know that everyone can just pull themselves up in society??? It’s super easy! Just don’t be homeless anymore!
That was a show?! That’s my life... literally. I’m a NYC gay liberal working for several outdoor themed magazines.
Look at it this way: Allen is a clueless egotistical person playing a clueless egotistical character, which is a parody of an egotistical starship captain played by a hugely egotistical actor.
Sorry, but this is gross. I've read all these other stories and yours is the only one where the cheater seems to have had reason to fear she might be in actual danger. All you guys ganging up on her and not letting her leave the table was gross. Dump her, yell at her, confront her, whatever, but when someone wants to…
About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a…
When she showed up at our apartment with a toddler. Cute little bugger- looked just like my at the time husband.
"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."
My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5…
People who say girls don't get friend-zoned are not familiar with Eponine. She's the most tragic freind-zone ever!