
SAME!!!! Thank you. I cackle every single time. For a minute I thought they had cut it in the live action version and was pissed, but then thank the lord they pulled through.

Vodka Diet Coke isn’t even basic. Vodka cranberry is basic. This is like....high schooler stealing from their parents liquor cabinet level disgusting. At least mix it with rum if you need to rep the brand, Taylor! I thought I knew you!

I took an Ambien to sleep on a flight once and woke up in a drugged haze only to grunt, puke all over my brother in the seat next to me, and immediately fall back asleep. Apparently his airline blanket caught the brunt of it, saving my brother from the worst 8 hours of his life. I don’t remember most of this. Moral of

I rent the runway all the time and I love it. Their customer service is effing excellent, they have a great selection of dresses, and if something does go wrong, they have never failed to resolve the issue before the event I have to go to. Bummer that things are stressful/political behind the scenes, but aren’t they

This is FILLING MY HEART WITH JOY! Yay romance novels, yay good natured hot dudes, yay everything!

JAYA! I FEEL YOU! I got strep foot as a child. STREP. FOOT. It's a thing that can happen. And it's freaking awful.

I love this. You guys sound like you rule. Seeing each other through it is what it's all about.

ME. TOO. "Ladies, this is the final rose tonight. Chris, when you're ready..." fade in to the background, grab a drink, and enjoy the beautiful tropical resort they're putting me up in. Boom.

Ok, let me preface this by saying that I have an unhealthy love/hate obsession with The Bachelor and know WAY TOO MUCH. But I follow Carly on Instagram and she recently posted that she was recently diagnosed with a severe case of hypothyroid which caused her eyebrows to really thin out. I agree that a little penciling

Thank you for sharing your story. I went through something similar and I understand the powerless feeling of knowing no one would be on your side. I believe you, though.

I was raped by an acquaintance in high school who took my virginity and if I run into him in the city where we both live I still am fucking paralyzed into being cordial. It was six years ago and the thought of confronting him still fills me with terror. The closest I got was weeks after via AIM when I said "I hate

I opened up one of the other articles by Cathy Young, saw "Rape Culture" in scare quotes, audibly UGHHHHHHHHed at my desk and eye rolled so hard I Liz Lemoned myself. I don't understand women who don't understand rape.

Same. Fuck them, fuck this woman, fuck everything.

Cranberry pills have CHANGED MY LIFE. I would get UTIs basically every other time I had sex, and—like a fool—I didn't listen when people told me to take the magic cranberry pills. On a last ditch effort when I couldn't handle another round of antibiotics I bought the AZO brand cranberry pills and never looked back. I

She's got Cheesy Blasters! (Thanks, Meat Cat!)

I had a similar experience with my rapist in high school. I had sex with him again about six months after he raped me and took my virginity. I was wracked by guilt and shame and regret and I couldn't understand why I did it. I felt that somehow my choice to have sex with him had made the rape less of a rape. That

Hey! Caroline Kitchens!!! You still think we shouldn't be worried about this shit?

I am OBSESSED with the lunar chronicles.