
I’d love to hear that Obama shows up at his home and knocks on the door and just stands there, giving Cosby the look, while he just subtly puts his hand out and waits for Cosby to give it back.

Some wear this...

yes but what would the minions be wearing? (yes anyway)

i would even if my fucking grandparents looked on idgaf

So Hamilton can fill the theater. But can he fill a shirt like Andrew Jackson can?

If they started removing all the stars of rapist celebrities, the sidewalk would not be ADA compliant.

The only plausible options we have so far is that Pluto has more of an internal heat source than we thought it did...

No! Making Abbie and Crane a love interest would be stupid and trite. I love the fact that they are buds.

“rational, independent thought”???

They can think very clearly..

Is thought as we understand and experience it even possible without language?

This is interesting to me. I have a theory that the major difference between American stories and British stories are how we handle class. The underlying belief for Americans seems to be that everyone can rise above their station, whereas I think us Brits believe that class is a fairly fixed system, you’re either a

10 Possibilities:

I assume he started with a question he already knew the answer to, but wouldn’t be common knowledge, to test if the chair actually worked as advertised.

I find it interesting that we see nobility as something of an archaic, pre-industrial notion even though it is clearly still in practice today. Just because people now believe that wealthy, multi-generational families earned their wealth doesn’t separate from the fact that hey own massive tracts of property, have

The particular nature of inheritance laws has a lot to do with it as well. In a society where girls became part of their husbands family along with a dowry of land and/or cash, a family who had one generation with multiple female children and no surviving male heir could find itself extinct in short order. Even if a

And shockingly great? Really? I mean really?

I was coming here to say virtually the exact same thing. We dodged a speeding bullet with this one, I think.

No matter what comes out of this documentary, and however many posts io9 does about it, I will never be convinced that Nic Cage would have been a good Superman. I mean, that face. He just doesn’t look the part.

If the movie got made, Cage would’ve looked like he does in that photo, not this one, which you’ve seen all over the Internet.