Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.
Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.
The Bowling Green Massacre.
I’m with you. Nothing tastes better on cereal than a nice big pour of winged beans.
Because who the fuck is going to eat half a pound of bok choy every goddamned day? A glass of milk in the morning or with cookies at bedtime or after a good workout is incredibly easy AND delicious. Of the items you listed, only almonds and orange juice are something people might have every day and the OJ has WAY more…
You and the 37 dummies who liked this comment need to go walk into a lake with rocks in your pockets.
Seriously? Defending this by exploiting one of the ways black women survive white supremacy?
i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.
I want to see the LT vs. Goldy football game next.
i paid hundreds of dollars for this stuff that gave me some small amount of pleasure. now i’m burning it. a loved one will pay to replace it for me at christmas when my team is doing well. take that, nfl! i sure showed you! (also, i watch the games, anyway.)
Yeah like Barry said, it’s easy to see why the rule exists and 10 seconds seems like an easy enough amount: A nice round number that is small but still a decent amount of time to make up for the sudden clock stoppage. You could make it like 7 or 8 but then you’d just be picking a random number. I don’t see this rule…
Fuck off Chris Thompson, no one wants to get no hit, no matter how bad their season has been. So you can take this useless article and go to hell...
One source even countered, insisting, “This is about money and a guy [Goodell] making way too much money on a grossly stupid contract for the job.”
“Millennials are killing the Thank You note industry”
I want a statue of Marshawn Lynch in Oakland and Seattle. Tomorrow.
Okay, I fucking deserved that.
Is that you, Bill Simmons?
Kenan Thompson is so consistently funny you sometimes forget how good he is. He’s great at being the lead character in a sketch and he can also show up as a side character and steal the scene.
Man, whatever happened to the “Whose Disgusting Baseball Chin is This” series?
he can’t read yet