
As if we needed any more reminders of the hypocrisy of the Trump administration, they promise to “build up the infrastructure”. Starting with making replacing the dangerous water system of Flint a priority and funding it would be in line with fulfilling that campaign promise of repairing broken infrastructure. I

I saw a taping of Sam Bee’s show a few weeks ago, and then a week later I went to a taping of John Oliver’s show (they share a studio). Not only were they both extremely funny live, but the shows were so tight. There was no stopping and starting, and everything ran like a hilarious, well-oiled machine. I’m just sad I

But that “in” was conditional on her doing well at the other campus, yes? Basically, they said, “You’re not up to our standards right now, but we will happily accept you if you’re willing to work hard and prove you can meet those standards.” And she said, “Fuck you, I shouldn’t have to work for what I feel entitled

Yeah, her whole premise seems to be that she was first among the last. Like if anyone else hadn’t gotten in, she was the next logical choice, or that somehow she was a 10 when they were letting in 6s. It sounds like she wasn’t even the top of the second tier of students. She was a 4 when they let in 8s.

What if some of their “activities” included part-time jobs or non-school related extracurriculars? What if they had experienced and overcome some sort of hardship or challenge (loss of a parent? childhood health problems?economic hardships? immigration? homelessness?) of which she has no idea? Ugh. She’s the worst and

Had Chicky worked harder, she would have earned automatic acceptance based on her GPA, which was race blind. BECAUSE she didn't work hard enough to EARN automatic acceptance, she was placed into a competitive category where race, along with other details, were considered. She. Did. Not. Earn. Automatic. Acceptance.


100% agreed.

Not only did they not do that, but they contacted Blum on her behalf, knowing he was looking for the perfect test case to send to the SCOTUS against UT.

I interview for my alma mater. A parent of high school aged kids told me: “I can’t believe your rejection rates for a 3.3 student”

You’re presuming that the points afforded for race are the ones that tipped the balance (I actually don’t know how much they are weighted). But it’s entirely possible that a student with lower SAT scores and grades than Abigail Fisher scored higher than she did on things like the personal essay, or extracurriculars,

And UT said even with the point system if she was black, SHE WOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN IN.

“These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far.”

As a matter of fact, her father is a “former business colleague” of Edward Blum, the lawyer behind all of this.

It took me a while to check it out, but imho The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore is as good as Stewart’s Daily Show was. Nothing compares to Oliver and Bee, but Wilmore’s sadly underrated.

Of course! But that’s exactly the problem. They’re supposedly celebrating a win for women and shit but make a joke without even thinking for half of a second about women. And if they think getting a woman intentionally pregnant so she’d have an abortion (yeah, I know it’s hypothetical) is funny, it’s because they’ve

I don’t believe the OP or I were being “precious.” In fact, my objection had nothing to do with whether or not abortion is “hard on women.” My objection was the inherent objectification of women of that post. “Go knock someone up.” Ugh. I wouldn’t have found it funny, but I would not have found it vile, if the tweet

As I just fleshed out in one of last comments: It also punches down. Because women are forced to assume a disproportionate amount of responsibility for the outcome of sex that can lead to pregnancy. It’s funny if you’re a guy. It’s not funny if you live with the anxiety that pregnancy actually represents.

I don’t think the problem is that it’s unfunny, but what it implies.
SCOTUS rule was something really important for women’s autonomy and health, and in the Twitt those same women stopped being subjects of the ruling and became passive objects to be used by the assumed readers (women still watch TDS!). It also

Don’t forget about John Oliver, he is been on a roll lately.