
Why would the woman who was nearly drugged and raped by her best friend want to post about it on Facebook? She’s probably still processing the whole thing. And if there’s ever anything to brag about, it’s something like this. They helped someone, they’re allowed to feel proud of it. When you do something worthy of the

I could not disagree more. People need to see concrete examples of acting. Of not just being a passive bystander. People need to know that others are out there, watching, and waiting to help. The way this was presented - that these are awesome, badass women who are proud of what they did - perhaps it will inspire

I literally never thought about calling the cops if I see this. I would have warned her and saw to it ourselves. Now I have that knowledge that it’s a crime that’s actually punishable and that glass is evidence and we can hold that fucker acountable instead of breathing a sigh of relief he didn’t succeed this one

I agree. And would encourage you to start having conversations with your male friends about consent and see what comes up. You might be surprised how many “good guys” have really fucked up ideas about consent.

No. This is not about sex work being illegal (also, sex workers face unbelievably rates of sexual assault). It’s about primarily men dehumanizing primarily women and seeing them as objects to dominate for pleasure.

making a human being into a toy, having complete control over their movements and their ability to remember what happened to them is what they are looking for. if it’s hard for you to understand, that’s a good thing. it means the mentality of pathological control is completely alien to you. you should be glad for that.

because rapists get off on control. it’s that simple—drugging someone gives them complete power over that person, to do with their bodies whatever they like with impunity (because they know the culture supports them and not their victim, who likely won’t be believed if she ever remembers what happened to her). it’s

A lot of acquaintance-type rapists just seem like mean, shitty people who do whatever they want to other people; they enjoy feeling smart & like they “got over” on someone. Because they are acquaintances and paths cross socially, the awfulness of rapists often includes tormenting and humiliating the person they have

Yeah I think you’re right, even in countries where sex work is legal rape doesn’t disappear. The only thing I’d add is it’s probably the same ingrained attitudes about sex that both shame sex workers and make men see the pursuit of nonconsensual sex as anything other than abhorrent criminality. Eliminating the puritan

My heart sank when I read the “best friend” part.
I know that most of the time it’s a close associate, but i never get used to it.
I have so many beautiful, wonderful, unique girl friends, one who called me (a guy) their best friend. Multiple times, for years, I help bring them home when she was really drunk, but it

I don’t think prostitution is wrong, as long as the prostitutes weren’t trafficked into it and truly chose it of their own free will. In my opinion, it should be legal everywhere.

What chills me to the bone about this is that he made a decision to do this in a public bar which is the only reason he was seen and caught. As a good “friend” of the potential victim, someone she clearly trusted, he could have roofied her in private in his apartment with a pre-dinner drink or post dinner drink... She

We stopped 4 guys from taking a drunken colleague “upstairs for a drink” in a hotel lobby. I was like “where do you think you’re going? I know a gang bang when I see one. (colleagues name) get your ass over here” I barked it really loud, heads turned. And she was drunk off her ass and could hardly walk. So fucking

This is simultaneously awesome, horrific, and infuriatingly unsurprising. I feel like us guys as a gender need to get together and work some things out* because all this shitty behavior of ours really needs to stop.

I think it’s a lot harder to discern what’s going on when you’re a young person figuring yourself out. When I was in high school / university my friend groups were pretty mixed gender-wise, and found it easier to relate to men (I liked weird music, science and sports, and stereotypes ran strong in my hometown). Some

Thank you. It happened years ago, and I had lots of guy friends who were so great and downright honorable that it didn’t really effect me that much. It was only years later that his actions really hit me. Having a daughter will do that. All the things I chalked up to being a girl then a woman, stunned me. We are

Yeah, he probably thinks of himself as a “nice guy” and was just sick of being in the “friend zone”.

I am so glad that these women not only clocked what happened, but also dealt with it in such a good way. It’s also probably given people a better idea of how to handle such situations if they see it happening.

Oh, honey. My heart breaks for you. I’m so afraid for my daughters because of these things I hear all the time - how do I teach them to be wary of men, without somehow making them cynical to the point of unhappiness? How do I tell them to openly trust the men they spend their time with - their friends, co-workers,

Her best friend. My heart broke. How many women has this happened to? Too many. Someone I considered a close friend, climbed into bed with me at a hotel party. I didn't think anything of it because everyone in our room was sleeping, including the other guy in the bed. My friend obviously thought I was passed out