
LOL How the fuck is that “doing it right”??

Trump would pivot to being less batshit insane if he became President, too.

Impressive video, but if I may:

A $7 Million suit?

You’ve met my brother, then?

One, they talk a gang of shit and act like they are a dynasty, when they are the 6 seconds or less Suns 2.0.

I can’t be sure on why they get so much hate outside of my fellow cavs fans, but I think it was the addition of Durant. All that “built not bought” nonsense went out the window. I can’t stand them but I can appreciate how beautiful the basketball they play is, minus the Zaza shuffle and Draymonds love for nailing

How about shortening the lineup to 6 players? How about creating a cadre of robots that throws 5,000 pitches per second to allow for simulation of the entire season? How about summarily executing all players from the 25 man rosters of any team involved in a game that exceeds 45 minutes? We must examine all available

Guaranteed to have a better finish than the Chargers this year.

Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

“So I don’t see the difference between gigantic, unethical corporations that make obscene, morally indefensible profits off the backs of working and marginalized people and tiny, solo, struggling artists.”

Okay then. Enjoy your false equivalencies and smug yet utterly baseless superiority!

“...it seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.

jesus christ, that is horrifying. thank god he didn’t douse her in kerosene.

He’ll have to fight for every inch of post position against the smartest defender in the NBA

Meddling Mage or GTFO

I’m having quite a bit of fun with the 3 people I allow to see me play MtG.

Back in college, Greg Oden would win these races all by himself.

Psht would have smashed it if he was wearing Big Baller gear.

Well it’s clearly not ‘say yes to the bra.’