
Brad Pitt apparently threatened to when Fuckstain Harvey tried to pull that shit with Paltrow. He did it at some industry function, in front of a whole bunch of people, before he was a big star. Pitt didn’t give a fuck.

I’m convinced that mega churces are even a bigger scam than old time religion.

I know this the post to bring this up, but isn’t Don Lemon the real like Tom DuBois from the Boondocks?

There is only one “Babs” and her last name ain’t Bush.

You mean willful members of an organization that has killed well over 100,000 brown-skinned civilians in the last few decades might have odious views about race?

Honestly, Negan sounds like he was written by a middle schooler who just discovered Tarantino.

You need to try associative training.

Whenever you crave sugar, drop a kettlebell on your foot.

Soon you’ll stop craving kettlebells!

I’m kind of beyond questioning anyone when it comes to breaking up and starting new relationships (“scandalous” or not). Why do we have to judge and scour the internet for “evidence” or a “reason” or “timeline”?

And the craziest part is, all of it is fake. Take off the make up and the heels the special tailored clothing, the fake eye lashes and the weave, and all these “beautiful women” are a bunch of normal ass looking people. Even the people we worship for their beauty.

I used to be married to a Connecticut Yankee who told me that he of course knew more racial slurs than I did. He then rolled out porch monkey, towelhead, sand jockey/ni**er and about 10 other slurs that I’d been spared. It always made me wonder, why have so many names for something you supposedly don’t like?

Funny that I only hear white women saying this?

Yes, I realize that Crowe has become Australian Past His Glory Days Oliver Reed who is need of a good old fashioned beat down.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

I feel it’s important to point out that Tig Notaro was doing stand up without C.K, she was on her way, on her own before him.


Still waiting for Sophia Bush, Rose McGowan, Debra Messing, Gweneth Paltrow, Mariska Hargitay and any other so called woke feminist Becky to come to the aid of Jemele Hill. I mean she spoke her mind & now her career is in jeopardy. I mean this shit is peak Becky & the sad part is when this boycott ends they still

Deep cut. Also, thank you for referencing Robin...people forgot all👏🏽the👏🏽dumb👏🏽shit👏🏽she👏🏽said👏🏽in👏🏽the👏🏽nine👏🏽ties👏🏽

Women edition: (1)Visible signs of baby powder on the chest... Neck...Collarbone... Damned near on the ears. Bonus Points, if they wore a pair of overall-short set, a body suit and gold anklets on each ankle. (2) Black eyeliner around the lips with the Wet & Wild, red lipstick. (3) For the teens: straight bangs with

Russia wants to implicate Iran for all sorts of stuff to keep their petroleum off the market. If Iran’s petrol is gone than prices rise and Russia can get more money for theirs. That’s why Russia is using Iran to funnel arms to militants in Afghanistan. It’ll lead through Iran and Trump has such a blind spot for

Louisiana is a good middle of the road pick.