
He should have gotten a guarantee of at least 10 years of state contracts to make it worth taking on that job. Virginia is still the south. I know several classmates whose parents wrote terribly racist letters to at-the-time governor Wilder’s office when he granted clemency to Allen Iverson.

They ran Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Demographically, those are the two largest groups: white women and white men, in that order. I get the broader point he’s reaching for, but he needs to go back to his weed farm and escorts.

I’m glad my mother never introduced me to her romantic partners after my parents divorced until they were very serious. 

I did several contracts for the Pro Football Retired Players Association years back and it was an interesting experience. All of these men know the dangers of playing this game, but many have been playing since they were adolescents (think pee wee league). A number of the retired players you’ve never heard of have

The old republican party of the post reconstruction era was willing to hold the minority position for ~60 years. They’ll play their long game and it’ll be interesting to see how it turns out. I suspect they’ll take losses this election, but it’ll be interesting to see what happens on the state and local level and

If she were my therapist I would’ve fired her. I’ve been to therapy and found tools to deal with issues I have. Being pressured into therapy in a general way through insults and gaslighting (most people are find enough with their mediocre lives) isn’t much of a help. I pity any person who may have been court ordered

He also helped keep the WNBA going when a lot of owners wanted to shutter it.

I’m lucky that my primary position is output dependent and not time dependent. If I’m done at 10 AM, I’m done. Usually i’ll do some elearning for other skills I want to develop or work on my side business, but I’m in the rare space.

Part of the problem is that AAA pays very low reimbursement to the tow companies. They don’t actually have any tow trucks themselves, they just organize local companies and charge a premium to get the benefits under their umbrella. Most of the haulers I know hate working with them because they pay low and take forever

Dr. Stacey Patton pointed out that it never gets talked about how 8 other black children were pulled from the Tallahatchie before they found Emmett’s body. A movie feels hollow.

A 100 year old nazi just got sentenced for something that happened 80+ years ago. No reason she can’t go right in behind him. It’ll take a large public outcry to make it happen though.

She keeps getting quoted confirming her role and then later denying it. I believe Tim Tyson wrote a book and gave interviews confirming

Too true. A lot of infrastructure has been built up in parts of Africa, so that American standard of living could be met by someone with her lifestyle. 10 years ago? Not so much. The continent will be a place to be in the 2nd half of the 21st century (if not sooner).

is this journalism or paid advertising?

John Lewis’ campaign allegedly did the same thing to Julian Bond when they ran against one another for the Georgia congressional seat that Lewis won. it’s standard smear stuff to deflate a campaign on morality issues.

It’s unfortunate that so many are stuck on the Susan Brownmiller school of thought that every woman should be believed and that should be the determinant of guilt.

The survey points out the 243% mortality increase is in post-40 births. It’s strange that it’s that high specifically in non-hispanic black populations.

The media coverage is doing an interesting job in partially covering this. They’re leaving out why his manifesto has been shoved down the memory hole: it contains pages upon pages of tactics on how to do this. It’s straight out of Pierce’s Turner Diaries.

He says a lot of unpopular stuff, but he’s said he his analytics point to ~1/3 of his fans being women. That speaks to a significant women viewership. He’s not getting canceled anytime soon - that would’ve been better accomplished ~a year ago. He’s running up numbers viewers and constantly talked about on Clubhouse

You can’t knock every role out of the park. I’m sure it’ll be watchable and kind of dull in points. Could be worse - could star Nicole Kidman.

He has a Barbadian father. Could have dual citizenship and thus be a flight risk. I’m sure there’s a reciprocity/extradition agreement with LE between the two countries, but it’s better to be ahead of any problems than chasing them.