Re: Bella Thorne
Michael Bay used to (maybe still does) shoot car commercials in between his bad movies for extra $.
I was skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho about 20 years ago... Schwarzenegger strutted in, in a tight, purple ski suit. I’m putting on my boots on the bench to the side, he puts his hands on his hips, stops and say “See, Marie, we are one of the normal people” and marched up stairs.
My wife and I were in VA Beach for a wedding. At the time she was 7 mos preggo. There was a golf tournament in town and some of the tour people were staying at our hotel. Long story short; We were entering the hotel and Earl Woods was in front of us. He let the heavy door slam in my wife’s face. He knew she was…
It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.
This truly made my morning. What a fitting end to a truly reprehensible person. Do not RIP Fidel, Do not.
I acknowledge that, and am also aware that the players, coaches, and administration over this team now had nothing to do with the terrible events that have happended. Unlike other idiots that think the team should be punished for life because of the actions of someone else.
Oh, yes. Heaven forbid that Penn State should ever be allowed to move on from its shameful past. We must grind their noses into the dirt. They must suffer interminably. Bad, bad Penn State. The people who played tonight must take no pride in their accomplishment, because ooriginal sin and all that.
He doesn’t even bother to attend his intelligence briefings, so there’s no way for anyone to tell him how much of an idiot he’s being. His whole administration will be governed by the seat of his pants.
Can we just preemptively add JK to the end of all official communications coming out of the Trump White House?
Yeah, this is not going to work.
If this is a movie review, why did you devote half of its space to repeating gossip about an actor’s personal life. I don’t support (any) Affleck either. In fact, they’re both dicks. But make up your mind what you are reporting: a movie’s merits or a tabloid snatch ‘n grab.
Another entry in the long running series “Bobby Finger Doesn’t Like Any Movies.”
Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?
This might be true in a vacuum. And yes, if we doubled the minimum wage effective tomorrow, it would have chaos on our economy.
And no, doubling an unskilled worker’s pay isn’t going to increase my pay......
You’re one of the people I’m talking about!
So you’re saying, pay them just enough not to spit in your food... Makes sense I guess. How much is that?
It’s all true! We would have to raise the prices of goods like the “Big Mac” by over 4%! I’m not going to live in an America where I have to pay an additional $0.17 for a shitty hamburger just so that a bunch of poors can earn a living wage!