
Chrono and Marle took down the equivalent of God on their world. . .

I think it’s hilarious. I want all those rich twats to fall backwards over a cliff because they think angels will be there for their trust fall. I’ll save my sympathy for actual humans with actual problems.

Yeah it’s convenient she can use her sock puppet on the TV to make such statements and then backpedal when people call her out on her vapid pseudo-intellectualism.

It would almost be clever if it wasn’t so transparent.

lo fucking el

That is the one time anything on Jezebel made me chuckle.

I like how Dunham can’t string together a single sentence without humblebrag-cum-martyrdoming herself. She’s a real winner. Glad Jezebel has attached their wagon to her sure to be forever rising star.

Also, who gives a fuck about Kanye West and his exhaustion.

Dude is crazy. We all knew it all along. Put him in

Hillary has backed away from everything that didn’t seem like a sure win. Not sure where you’re getting your evidence.

The chances of her actually fighting and not continuing to bury her head in the sand and blame phantom Russians are about 0%.

She’s no Elizabeth Warren. She’s a wimp.

Those votes never belonged to Clinton.

She didn’t earn them, she didn’t get them.

Whiny, whiny babies. . .

So even though your Hill-dawg aint’ doing shit about this your supposed spoiler candidate is stepping up to the plate?

Huh. It’s almost like Hillary was the spoiler all along, isn’t it?

Once again, Anna, thanks for pushing her on us you short-sighted, regressive neanderthal.

Thanks for Trump!

You’re right, we should police everyone on the internet so no one says anything that offends your delicate sensibilities.

That’s the adult way to do things.

lol, what?

Are you the person who goes to a stripclub and gets on stage to lecture everyone about the danger of objectifying women?

get outta here.

It’s almost like an overwhelming amount of 12 year old boys are posting on both.



Why are you talking about a slow news day?

Pretty sure those guys had guns. FLorida Man was just protecting the neighborhood. He feared for his life. They had their FISTS and all he had was a ton of automobile.

Uh, a bunch of those are well out of our white power to do anything about.

I mean I guess I could dedicate the rest of my life to studying an obscure Native American dialect but then Jezebel would just accuse me of cultural appropriation.

Instead, I’ll keep my charities and donations to myself. Because bragging to

Uh, what was that? Like how much money?

I mean I’m sure they appreciated your 4 dollars, but maybe you could tear yourself away from your trust-fund and Brooklyn loft for a minute and really act on your white guilt.

FYI, the Hawaiian independence movement could use some donations, too. Unless you’re biased because

We gud.

Everything is looking pretty white and pretty binary there if you ask me.

So early anime fans were just out and out bigots, right?

I don’t see any trans people, not a single POC. I guess they just weren’t invited to your little Aryan nation club, huh?

And making their female friends wear costumes with no pants?

We won’t.

All the angry liberals throwing up declarations on Jezebel don’t actually show up to vote. Not in the mid-terms, certainly not locally.

Old people vote. And they vote conservative. Rich people vote. Conservative. Disenfranchised people vote, and, believe it or not, that includes lots and lots of

The left has been acting honorable and level-headed?

Funny, it wasn’t people on the right calling me a racist, a rape-apologist, and a literal Nazi for not voting for Hillary.

If this is you people acting level-headed I’d hate to see what happens when you don’t.

I’m assuming it’s more destroying overwhelmingly

You mean the Clinton Global Initiative?

Oh, shit, you were talking about the other family of corrupt, rich assholes.

My bad.