This kid has made it this far being addicted to video games but now it’s a problem. I feel like it’s probably not as bad as it sound but the gm is spreading this because it annoys his old man sensabilities
This kid has made it this far being addicted to video games but now it’s a problem. I feel like it’s probably not as bad as it sound but the gm is spreading this because it annoys his old man sensabilities
If there’s definitive video that she’s full of shit (hence the entire part about ‘if’ in my post), I most certainly will not. She’s doing a massive disservice to actual victims if she’s lying.
If the video actually exists and the fight is the source of the injuries, and the DA still prosecutes, Foster should probably be entitled to damages from the state.
Shame on you, she was by all means a wonderful lady who preferred to picnic with her black nanny in the segregated south, lost a child and her parents over the course of a year, supported abortion rights, and said that homosexuality was a private and personal matter. She was respected by everyone and she constantly…
Really? How so?
That’s the context you got wrong. She wasn’t asked that question. She was asked if the run-up to the war meant that she and Bush Sr. were watching more cable news.
Yeah, still doesn’t change the fact that you got the context of the quote completely wrong.
No, that’s not the context. The quote comes from shortly before the start of the war, and concerns media speculation over the possible extent of the casualties. She’s dismissing the speculations, not the actual deaths, which had not yet occurred.
CNN’s tribute reel said that they were married for over 60 years, seeing as how they were married for 73 (damn) I’m taking that to mean that they had it in the can for ten years.
And? Traditional sports leagues aren’t filled with angels either.
At Overwatch League team New York Excelsior’s first-ever New York fan meet-and-greet, a preteen girl in braces broke…
that the man is a fascist and a racist (needs to be said),
Overwatch League team Dallas Fuel announced today that the organization and tank player Félix “xQc” Lengyel have…
I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.
I’m not expecting anything even remotely sensible.
I’m expecting right wing talking points, arguments that we put to bed back in the 90s, and for Trump to do nothing but spout completely nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit the entire time.
The 2018 Winter Olympics have begun and it’s time to cheer on our athletes. Trouble is, it’s hard to know what the…
It’s obviously a joke. Get over yourself.
Ok, I’m gonna say it. Shani Davis kinda looks like a sore loser here.
Lol I actually kind of like this guy. He’s not extremist in his views, he’s simply realist, and most poeple don’t like to see the ugly, difficult truth. The immigration crime rate he’s talking about is completely true, I don’t get what the fuss is. Yes, you can manage it, you can work hard to integrate them into…