
First off, “your” Hamilton Nolan is decidedly not being professional. He’s acting rather childish and petty to a valid point.

Your article seems short sighted. Amazon is big enough that they either get the tax breaks or the cut costs to make up for them (probably in salary). What you’re really asking is that Amazon give away money, which I don’t oppose, but to frame it in this way is disengenous.

i don’t disagree with you HamNo, but you should defend yourself a little better than that. this isn’t black/white

The commenter shared a valid point of view. Calling those you disagree with stupid is immature.

Right. So stupid.

I don’t agree completely with that person, but 20,000 professional jobs is a valid counter-argument. Write off the people who don’t agree with you at your own risk, show some respect.

Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.

Very solid rebuttal. Wouldn’t expect any more from a triggered leftist.

Yeah, fuck your 20,000 employed people. Let them eat tax revenue.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

3. Allow players to be signed to NFL teams mid season. This would increase the chance of better players actually playing in your league trying to get back with the NFL.

“Deadspin, please stop pushing [insert thing I don’t like]. People who want to see sick [insert thing I don’t like] highlights don’t come to Deadspin to see them.”

“gaming cred is like street cred”

No grown adult should care about “gamer cred.”

Now playing

Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.

I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!

I’m curious which games you’ve been playing, then, because that was absolutely not my experience when I still played on Live.

I primarily play on PC these days—and yes, there’s still a significant level of toxicity (though less so in cooperative games like Final Fantasy XIV)—but when I was still on Live, it took all of

Another day, another company announcing they will be increasing comp for their employees because of the tax cuts, another outrage post from Splinter about how it’s not enough.