
Poor kid. I wish the adults in her life had just let her drop out of school instead of making her go to school in a toxic environment.

That woman is such a predator.

Damn, the wife don’t love herself.

Let's be honest here it's still fucking amazing

This is what it takes. Think about that. And we’ll still hear any and all dirt they can find on Scott during the trial.


AJ Archer-Kane dismissed my reasonable comment to him. Here it is:

That muffin thing on tumblr, that really bothered me. I realize it’s likely not mean-spirited on the waiters’ parts and is probably more privilege blindness (although it could be intentional), but it’s still really shitty. It may be a joke to these guys, but when you are a woman and all of your male coworkers are

“As bad as Gawker is, its pretty good at letting people have their say”

I think he was more concerned about making that pun than actually bringing it back...

So there is no Triceratops, but in exchange we're getting the Brontosaurus back?

You heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?

Come on, IO9. If you are going to post a picture of a Brontosaurus, at least use a scientifically accurate reconstruction:

we don't hate, we simply demand better.

I think Moffat has used up his abilities and would be glad to see someone else.