
It's about incest. That alone could be triggering to people who have experienced it. A lot of people who were sexually abused as children by people they trust such as parents or other family members were "willing" participants, but it's still sexual assault of a child. The author of the post may have been of age, but

I wonder if it's common for the Jehovah's Witness church to side by default with abusers. I have a friend whose family is JW, and her cousin was disfellowshipped for leaving her abusive husband, which means that most of her family is under a church mandate to basically shun her for fleeing violence.

Then I'll elaborate. The people who have adverse reactions to such things have them because they've lived it. Many victims of violence develop PTSD. When a person with PTSD is triggered, it causes them to relive the past: the emotions and psysiological responses that they experienced at the moments they were violated

It's really demeaning to dismissively refer to sexual assault survivors who have had to struggle with adverse psychological symptoms from abuse as "prone to excitability", and it's complete bullshit to tell them they have no business being on the Internet.

Yes, I know Jez's policy. Telling people they are stupid for reading the article and subsequently being triggered is not about enlightening commenters on editorial policy.

It's great that you can recognize all of your triggers and practice good self-care, but not everyone is there. I've become very adept at avoiding mine, too (but it took me a long time and a lot of suffering to get here). Still, occasionally I'm caught by surprise, and it isn't always immediately clear if I made a

When someone is triggered to the point of reliving trauma, it is common to go into a fight, flight, or freeze response. Shouting "use your brain!" at people who are in the middle of a physiological response that is well known for reducing executive function in the moment is perhaps unhelpful.

I'm really sorry for what happened. I think what happened to both you and the author and many other commenters are completely indefensible and inexcusable. I'm so sorry for how shitty and unsupportive mainstream feminism tends to be toward victims of abuse, especially when we can't recover or are not perfect victims

I hate how whenever someone asks for a TW they always get pile-on. If you disagree with the request, whatever, but being triggered is being forced to relive trauma. The last thing anyone needs when reliving horrors of abuse is for a bunch of strangers getting angry and calling them stupid. Honestly, is it more

Thanks again for the very helpful information. It sounds a lot like what I've got going on. I've been putting off going to see a specialist about my seasonal and environmental allergies, and it sounds like a really good idea to go very soon and get everything looked into and tested.

hey, thanks. It's nice to have that validated, because I actually did talk to a doctor about it. I went through with him all of the foods that do that for me: pineapples and mangoes, but not the juice, strawberries and bananas sometimes, stewed tomatoes, etc., and he acted like it was some sort of somatic issue. He

I don't have a banana allergy, but when they aren't ripe enough, sometimes they make my mouth sting like it's being punctured by thousands of tiny needles. I support the banana ban.

team jack white & team lower case all the way (also team ampersand). down with the wholly unnecessary tyranny of capitalization!

I'm with you that mutilating someone is horrific.

Hey, you are right that the legal system doesn't take domestic violence anywhere close to as seriously as it should. I hope you read the rest of the comments on this post, though. Most (but not all) of them are expressing sympathy for the victim and outrage at the lightness of the sentence.

How can rape culture exist when no one I know has ever told me that they raped anyone? Checkmate, feminists!

How can rape culture exist when no one I know has ever told me that they raped anyone? Checkmate, feminists!

Are you kidding? It was two students, not a whole team.

They were there for swim practice, but they snuck into an area that was for TESC students only. Kids aren't allowed around the sauna.

I know, and the false story was still going strong nearly a year after the TransAdvocate had debunked it.