
I don't know about this case, but the people who were protesting the NDO in Houston last summer, they kept bringing up this example of Evergreen College where apparently, some teens snuck into the women's sauna, saw some naked ladies, one of whom was trans, told their parents, and their parents called the cops and Fox

Wow, the defense's argument is really disturbing.

Right? Everything Bram Stoker knew about Transylvania, he learned by reading the description on the back cover of a travel narrative.

Yeah, seriously. Not to mention the fact that labeling women as desperate and attention-seeking is kind of sexist and kind of bullshit.

It's like all of the people who visited Forks, WA after Twilight came out and paid a ton for themed hotel rooms and tours to see where Edward and Bella hung out even though the Forks in the books is an entirely imagined one- Stephanie Meyer had never visited there before or while she was writing the series.

Only during funerals and holidays! This is basically the attitude of my Evangelical extended family, some of whom are very active protestors. It's also something I heard a lot growing up in a Southern Baptist church and private school. My mom said it to me last summer, and I've seen people say it online many times.

I've heard anti-abortion activists say that they also see having to have an unwanted child to be a fitting consequence for having sex for non-procreative reasons. I believe them when they say this, because it's the only thing that makes sense. That's why they block assistance for birth control, abortion, and prenatal

You are right. I should not have ended that sentence with a question mark. Because I knew that by

She's having issues? As in she's unwell? Yes, then clearly the decent and compassionate thing to do is to pick the absolute worst photo you can find of her you can find and gawk at her.

It would be bad enough if he were only deflecting blame that belongs to patriarchy and structures of dominance, but he's deflecting it by pinning it on an already marginalized group: oh, it's not men who do this, it's not sexism, it's people with mental illness. It was gross when the MRAs did it with Eliot Rodger, and

I'm fine with men calling themselves feminists. What I'm not fine with is men barging into a discussion about men abusing women in feminist communities in order to tell everyone how deeply uncomfortable they feel about what women are saying and then mansplaining to us why we are wrong and their ableist as hell views

Maybe you're right, but what bothers me about this point of view is that it makes change seem so difficult or even impossible. It also gives these shitbags an excuse: "Oh, I try to be a good feminist and respect women, but the fact that I don't is evidence of the deep-seated power of the patriarchy!"

Are you talking about this post, because I'm not sure I'm seeing what you're seeing. The entire tone of the article is about how suspicious this seems given recent history, and most of the comments appear to me to be people agreeing that it is indeed pretty suspect.

No, she's already been exploited and has been the victim of elder abuse in the past few years. There are legitimate reasons why people are concerned.

Doctors and courts can assess at which point a person is not competent enough to make decisions. I would think a person is clearly at that point when they've already been the victim of elder abuse involving financial exploitation, as Ms. Lee has, sadly.

On reflection, I'm not sure they actually did learn what it means.

Thanks for the well wishes and condolences. Don't worry about commenting while triggered. Your response seemed reasonable given all of the circumstances. Plus, given all the recs on your comment, it resonated with some people. It's likely there are others who had the same questions but couldn't ask because their grief

I'm really sorry for your loss and for what happened to you. I can't say I know what you're going through, but I have lost an ex (who was still my best friend, but we weren't together) to suicide. I think it's the kind of thing that is so hard to process, even when you account for factors such as medication and mental

I'm really failing to see how any of this is relevant. First of all, grunge fashion was not based solely around Cobain's personal aesthetic, and even less so on what the townspeople of Aberdeen wore in the early 90s. Second, Kurt Cobain was pretty well known for wearing Converse, not Timberland.

I understand the joke in the PA strip. But some rape victims play MMOs. Some rape victims go on to become anti-rape activists. OP and others here peppering the comments with the strip (it's been posted at least three times in the comments for this post), with all of the associated history and fallout of it, are trying