Oh, good point. Making jokes at rape victims' expense doesn't hurt rape victims at all, only SJWs.
Wait, are you calling rape victims terrorists now?
...thus proving that sometimes you really can judge a commenter by his user name.
Funny, it reads just like a poor menz post, excessive scare quotes and all.
It is also used in salad dressings and sauces. The most memorable encounter I had with mayo while living in Japan was the first time I bought pastries there. I bit into a filled one to discover that the filling was sweet mayonnaise. It was quite a surprise!
I saw that. I thought it was pretty awesome. I didn't especially like to see some people discouraging others from donating to Mack's medical fund, though. I'm with you on Kotaku! They sure have been talking about making changes over there for a long time.
Here is another list of things we can do.
What you're saying makes sense to me. I'm a survivor of multiple forms of violence, too, and I'm really sorry people did that to you, and that this post triggered some of those feelings. I wasn't super thrilled about some phrasing that seemed like value judgements on penis size in the post, but I hadn't really thought…
I don't see how anyone can take the results of this study and apply it globally. I don't think you can look at conversations on Ashley Madison and draw the conclusion that "men will always want to cheat." Obviously, if monogamy is the only acceptable model, there will be people who feel forced into it even though it's…
Ok, that's really funny. I love these!
He's really scary. He's made all these jokes before about murdering people, including Mack. And then all of these fans defend him! It's disgusting.
Promoting your comment because it's good advice I really hope people follow, but also because for some weird reason it was pending approval.
I don't know. You're more of an authority on trans feminist issues. This was the process that led me to that comment: I looked on Google before I posted, and it seems like more than a few trans women shared Imogen Binnie's sentiments about KH and our long love affair with her. It seems to be a longstanding issue…
I am so sorry., I just promoted her doc on GT recently. I want to apologize to everyone who saw it. I didn't know, but I should have. I should have been paying closer attention to this kind of stuff. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone or made anyone feel discounted or unimportant. I've liked her a lot, and I'm really…
God, that is absolutely horrid.
Are these the same groups that encouraged anti-choice activists to sign up to be volunteer drivers/clinic escorts so they could pretend to pick up patients, only to take them to church instead of their appointments? That was also in Texas. I don't know what it's like in other states, but hey are awful there. I went to…
Yes, but there are alternatives to this one public school. Kids get expelled from public schools not that unfrequently.
No, it probably won't make her feel better because women already know how much razors and replacement blades cost, being expected to keep large portions of our bodies hair-free. Also, reread what she wrote, and see if you can discover why bringing up how much your Schick Quattro refills may come across as quite a bit…