
It's the Dunning-Kruger effect, I think. They're too lacking in self-awareness to realize how devoid of self-awareness they are. We can all see it, though.

Maybe they just want to cover all the bases while they are gathering evidence just in case. I don't know, it's a really awful heartbreaking story no matter what, but, yeah, I hope it wasn't intentional.

Maybe they believe it was deliberate?

Isn't it the same misogynist concept as "rationalization hamster"? Also, don't google rationalization hamster. I made that mistake in order to make sure I had the right term, but now I'm somewhat frantically trying to find some effective brain bleach.

And that's when I'm done. You've dismissed everything I said, and you're being intellectually dishonest. Good derail, though. I should have seen it from the start as you know this isn't about "some keratin strings". And that's a really bizarre replacement for the word hair and made deliberately to minimize. Why do we

Look, I don't mean to be rude, but you don't know what you're talking about. This is a feminist issue and it's connected with gendered violence of women with disabilities, but it's not my job to teach you that. You can google feminism + disabilities. You can google patriarchy + ableism. You can google all the

In discussions of feminism, it's relevant to discuss how those of us with more power harm those of us with less, including your attempts to silence and discount those of us speaking out against ableism.

Women with disabilities are abused and sexually assaulted at rates much higher than women without disabilities. Just because you can't see how failure to respect our bodily autonomy in everyday instances ties into systematic and widespread violence against us does not mean that it's not a legitimate issue. Also, you

Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of chronic derailer than troll. And I do see that's all he's been doing here while other people are kindly googling data for him that he's rejected as invalid without stopping to actually give it much thought or study.

What offends me is you saying that failure to view people with disabilities as human is a non-issue.

This person isn't asking sincerely.

I was curious, so I looked it up. Apparently there's quite a range in growth rate, if the Daily Mail can be trusted.

You know what, I just looked on the back of the label to confirm, and there's actually tons of it in my B supplement I've been taking daily since forever. Thanks anyway for stopping by to make assumptions about my nutritional deficiencies.

Well, the hair on my head grows extremely slowly as well, but I didn't consider that might mean my body hair does as well. Interesting.

Redacted. I was being kinda rude for no reason.

Apparently, pretty fucking slowly.

Huh? It takes about 2 months for my pits to grow from completely shaved to whatever length it gets before it stops growing on me. I'm doubting yours grows an inch in a single day.

Well, I appreciate your efforts at minimization in your last sentence, but when it's modifying someone's appearance to the extent that it can't be reversed for many months, it's kind of a big deal.