
A lot of Game of Thrones fans aren’t A Song of Ice and Fire fans. They’re in it for the empowerment memes and “I drink and I know things” t-shirts. They call the show misogynistic for making Dany go nuts, as if Game of Thrones was supposed to end happily with Dany and her dragons smooching everyone and building wind

If you’re going to move goalposts, you probably shouldn’t re-arrange them in such a way that you cause the opposing team to score by doing so.

It would be the AMC Eagle family of cars, but sold under the Jeep name.

“I don't understand track times" - you

“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”

Sandy Munro don’t want to be no pedo.

And his daily driver is a pair of Nikes

Also, they’re at least a three times more likely to get in a freak gasoline fight accident

Just went to Honda looking for one.. no luck

I don’t feel so good, Mr. Ford...

The official timepiece of “Am I under arrest or am I free to go?”

(Many) SUV owners also subscribe to the notion that by having the most massive vehicle possible, they increase their chances of surviving a major collision. They also know this increases the chances they’ll kill others involved in the collision, but “better them than me” is the response. SUV arms races are real.

SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.

So, are we one step closer to actually being able to download a car?

I think they should just make it “BUCK”. Their cars are big in China right? what sounds more American than “BUCK”?

I want something that’s grounded to the ground.

He’s a hero because he used a metaphorical pile of burning crap to push a literal burning pile of crap

Which Porsche are you considering the “first?” The first widely-produced was the 356, which was rear-engined. Even the various “Type” cars and prototypes that preceded the production 356 were all rear-engined to my knowledge.