
i’m in the “Oh? I thought that came out already.” camp.

Pelosi is too busy attacking left wing politicians to do anything like that.

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FWIW: Portable air conditioners are convenient but significantly less energy efficient than in-window designs where the condesner can be outside and evaporator inside.

FWIW: Portable air conditioners are convenient but significantly less energy efficient than in-window designs where

About as many as Obama did when websites like Splinter’s predecessor weren’t reporting on it.

“Hillary’s “red flags” were from independents and conservatives”

Yeah, that ridiculous depiction of him growing up happy in the Midwest with loving friends and family and growing into a happy well adjusted superhero who put innocent lives above all else. I mean where’d we get that other than 80 YEARS OF COMICS DEPICTING HIM AS EXACTLY THAT!?!

Honestly it's people like you the guillotine was invented for

He had the house and senate and did nothing, but “reach across the aisle.” He doesn’t get thrown under the bus enough. In fact, he gets too much credit for the NOTHING he did.

This is yet another wonderful gift from the Reagan administration. He was the one that stopped enforcing laws that punished those that hired undocumented workers as a way to help break the backs of unions — especially in the meat packing and construction industries.

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My reaction to those Lion King posters: “Yup, those sure are some lions with names above them.”

I assume there is a mustache behind the phone in the Cavill pic.

Remember when Al Gore said by 2011 there’d be no more snow on Kilamanjaro? RECORD FUCKING SNOWFALL in 2018. Humanity has an effect on the weather, but no where near as drastic as anyone thinks...But according to them the government should absolutely give them another 200 million dollar grant to check it out.

You’re an authoritarian snowflake who needs an elementary student’s lesson in liberty and tolerance.

A good bartender is worth a thousand bottom feeding law clerks from the Heritage Foundation.

Yup. They’ve got me.


Yep. The only way the wealthy or powerful actually suffer consequences is if they upset a significant number of people who are wealthier and more powerful than they are. The ruling class has no incentive to punish its own otherwise, because doing so only opens themselves up to punishment for their own misdeeds.

Overall I’d rate the movie on par with the 1st Cap.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.