
She’s preparing for her 2020 Run...gotta make sure we have 8 years of Trump. Her fans are so unhinged that she will get the democratic nomination again, and she will proceed to crap the bed again.

The main reason might be that an ad with Microsoft Edge on the website might bring the site’s owners much less than a full article sponsored by Microsoft and named: “9 Reasons it might be time to switch to Microsoft Edge”

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You can’t discuss misleading trailers without discussing Rogue One. I still want to see this movie.

Hillary should go to the Hague and be prosecuted under the Nuremberg laws for all the wars 

Actually, Hillary should go away, because toxic.

Hey, go fuck yourself.

Parental Advisory: Explicit Content

What the fuck is wrong with the Democratic leadership...

Cmon Starbucks! Nothing? First it was the restructuring of your rewards/star program. Then, you only allow a week to use your birthday reward. Last year, it became 3 days. This year? ONLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. Thanks for nothing, Starbucks!! </freeloader rant>

“5) You live in a bad neighborhood and have to join a gang and steal to survive.”

Haven’t seen such a sad attempt at facial hair since

Don’t expect the current Wall Street loving DNC Centrists to ever back this - they probably have stock in for-Profit prisons. Right now I’m backing the progressives because the centrists are becoming indistinguishable from Republicans with their actions as of late.

Like all politicians, democrats aren’t there to help you or do what you voted them in to do, they are there to make themselves and their corporate donors rich. Standing in the way of nominations who are universally pro-business is bad for the bottom line. Stop being stupid and fooling yourself that democrats will come

I hope it’s good regardless of who’s involved in production.

Exhibit A:

I never saw the McHale show, but The Break was fucking superb. This is a shame. I had never heard of her before the Correspondent’s Dinner, and was really starting to get into her stuff.

Google doesn’t offer search in China since they pulled out that product, and many associated products, about 8 years ago. These employees are referring to Google’s newly revealed plans to re-enter the Chinese search market with a censore-friendly version of their search tools. They are making the point that Google

It should be noted that making a blindside tackle of someone is the absolute opposite of defending yourself.

Very well. . . .

I personally have criticized Nick more than any two posters here combined. Sometimes he addressed me, sometimes he came back with a witty comment. A few times he actually gave me an upvote.