
Like all politicians, democrats aren’t there to help you or do what you voted them in to do, they are there to make themselves and their corporate donors rich. Standing in the way of nominations who are universally pro-business is bad for the bottom line. Stop being stupid and fooling yourself that democrats will come

Exhibit A:

I never saw the McHale show, but The Break was fucking superb. This is a shame. I had never heard of her before the Correspondent’s Dinner, and was really starting to get into her stuff.

It should be noted that making a blindside tackle of someone is the absolute opposite of defending yourself.

I personally have criticized Nick more than any two posters here combined. Sometimes he addressed me, sometimes he came back with a witty comment. A few times he actually gave me an upvote.

When you explained about shadow bans - you should explicitly note that gizmodo regularly employs these. 

Funny that the comments here are empty.

The various GMG sites also engage in shadow banning. The only thing I don’t care for about it is, you have no way to appeal and it seems to be forever. I’ve moderated communities before and frankly, that seems harsh and arbitrary. One post someone doesn’t like and poof, you’re screaming into the void forever.

Isn’t shadow banning something that happens here too?

Thanks for the article - now I know why I never got replies on my other burner account - kinja had shadow banned me! Too many people must have been butt hurt by my comments. It’s good to be back!

The mayor of Puerto Rico, along with two other officials, were arrested just a couple days ago for stealing $8 million federal funds from the HUD.

In this comment thread you will see people who know that government agents and prosecutors will construct wild scenarios and overcharge defendants in order to harshly punish anyone unwilling to just take a plea deal to avoid trial. Also people who recognize that mandatory minimums are generally a bad thing that result

Stop trying to help people to flout our laws please.

If you bring your kids along with you while committing a crime (illegally sneaking into another country) perhaps you SHOULD have your kids taken away. Seriously, it is not that hard. Don’t come here illegally. Don’t make your kids illegal immigrants. The current administration has made it clear that it will not be

I’m also a never Trumper (and therefore, reluctant HRC voter), but one thing is clear, if Bill had just stayed the hell off Lynch’s plane, the Comey press conference would have never happened.

I think the biggest issue with Hillary and the emails was the evasive, dishonest, responsibility dodging way she tried to just brush past it. If she had been up front from the beginning and admitted that she just did the same thing her predecessors had done it would have blown over within a month. Instead, she ducked

PENDING APPROVAL means Splinter doesn’t allowopposing opinions yo ne published. SAD. It looks like they have TDS too!

Prisons are FULL of basically good people who made bad choices thereby separating themselves from their families. We do not release people from prison just because they have families that miss them. This is all about Donald Trump and the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has infected the “Lunatic Left.”

You can’t honestly be surprised that a party is supporting incumbents

Yes, yes. Too bad they didn’t use their Congressional Supermajority in 2009/10 to actually pass single payer and instead created a massive giveaway to the private insurance industry.