
The father, and people like him, are not victims.

Elephant in the room: depression. Lack of sex drive is most often a result of depression. All the insensitive remarks being made about the guy are ignorantly promoting the same kind of spiteful, selfish framing of this matter that can only exacerbate the problem. A cerebral guy who is “in his head” a lot may be too

If OP thinks the relationship is working outside of sex, couple’s therapy would be me recommendation too.

And quite frankly, if he was the sort that would fuck anything that moves, then there their would be a whole different set of concerns.

Iraq, Afganistan, Patriot Act, Al Queda. The gifts that keep giving. Thanks, Condi for “doing something”.

Thank you,I am so tired of media outlets trying to rehabilitate these kinds of people.

1 million people died in Iraq. This woman does not deserve a platform ever again.

Where’s Condi been for the last 2 years while the Republicans did everything possible to help Trump get in the White House?

Ok Jeff, show me on the doll where weed hurt you.

Life in prison would’ve been preferable, because he absolutely murdered Walter Scott, but twenty years (provided he doesn’t get an early parole) will get awfully close to that.

I come from a law enforcement family, so I admit up front that I tend to be biased in favor of police officers, but in situations like this,

You mean porn, don’t you? It’s okay, we’re all thinking it.

I absolutely despise this trope in anime, but I love Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and Kanna. I hate that they sexualize her, but I love how cute she is in the more innocent moments of the anime. I’m so conflicted....

Nice ethnocentric view point you have there. NEWS FLASH: Your culture is not better than ours. STOP PUSHING YOUR MORALS ON US!

I don’t know if I agree with the evil romance in theory. Yes, it humanizes them, but still makes them evil humans.

My family too and I am from the west coast of Canada. My dad and two of my siblings are really bad for it. I’ve actually called my sister out on not giving a shit what I think and her just wanting to monologue about her opinion.

That’s some fine burqa logic right there. 

Let’s not forget how many women were complicit and ARE complicit in this bullshit. Yvette Vega, who many of Charlie Rose’s victims went to is now all “Mea Culpa!” Fuck you Yvette, you’ve been enabling this shit to keep it off your own thigh since 1991. You’ve betrayed and been complicit for most of my lifetime you

I’m going to add Future Man on Hulu. The first episode/pilot doesn’t do the rest of the show justice. Give it a few episodes. It gets really really good. Derek Wilson’s character Wolf goes from being kind of annoying and predictable in Ep. 1 to being my new favorite character on TV right now. So funny.

I also second

Rose allegedly groomed and harassed young women at the workplace over many years, if not decades. It was so well known internally, that women warned each other when working for Rose. Are you going to tell me, that his close friend and coworker for years had never even heard about those rumors before? If she had heard