
Iraq, Afganistan, Patriot Act, Al Queda. The gifts that keep giving. Thanks, Condi for “doing something”.

Thank you,I am so tired of media outlets trying to rehabilitate these kinds of people.

1 million people died in Iraq. This woman does not deserve a platform ever again.

Where’s Condi been for the last 2 years while the Republicans did everything possible to help Trump get in the White House?

Makes sense. US companies spy on the rest of the world under orders from the US government, the Russians would be idiots not to do the same.

Ok Jeff, show me on the doll where weed hurt you.

Life in prison would’ve been preferable, because he absolutely murdered Walter Scott, but twenty years (provided he doesn’t get an early parole) will get awfully close to that.

I come from a law enforcement family, so I admit up front that I tend to be biased in favor of police officers, but in situations like this,

Thats what you get with gentrification. 20 somethings just gotta have their $6 coffees, and silly hat boutiques...go to work making apps that call a cab or deliver food as if it were a new thing. Give a big pat on the back, do nothing of value, and expect the govt to clean up after your mess. Here is an idea...could

You mean porn, don’t you? It’s okay, we’re all thinking it.

If it happens, that might actually end up being the craziest, most fantastical thing that takes place plot-wise in the MCU so far... and I’d be fine with that. Because Peggy.

I’m not really talking about actresses, but the behind the scenes employees. People have said that female staff and crew have left the show and people have alleged that at least 2 female writers left The Flash because of him.

I absolutely despise this trope in anime, but I love Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and Kanna. I hate that they sexualize her, but I love how cute she is in the more innocent moments of the anime. I’m so conflicted....

Nice ethnocentric view point you have there. NEWS FLASH: Your culture is not better than ours. STOP PUSHING YOUR MORALS ON US!

I honestly expected them to give Stein the happy ending where he gets to go live with his family...silly me...I should’ve known better.

Rory is a walking best line of the night.

I don’t know if I agree with the evil romance in theory. Yes, it humanizes them, but still makes them evil humans.

My family too and I am from the west coast of Canada. My dad and two of my siblings are really bad for it. I’ve actually called my sister out on not giving a shit what I think and her just wanting to monologue about her opinion.

That’s some fine burqa logic right there. 

Came here to point this out. Now I’m walking on air...