if they were serious and wanted to be a people’s party they would adopt FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights but they won’t because the don’t.
if they were serious and wanted to be a people’s party they would adopt FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights but they won’t because the don’t.
I’m far from an expert but I would guess that the servers that you’re using for VPN are being flagged by sites as malicious and they force increased security against bots and DDOS for those IP addresses.
I’m far from an expert but I would guess that the servers that you’re using for VPN are being flagged by sites as…
I kind of feel like he rambles in order to postpone answering questions that he doesn’t know the answer to in the hopes that the chat will do the work for him.
You should interview The Podfather - Adam Curry.
But did they use a Juicero?
Can’t help for finding, but I live by “a place for everything and everything in its place.”
Our know what else is a reasonable discussion to be had? Prosecuting all the American who violated the law and hired these illegal immigrants. We are essentially focusing on one aspect of this “perceived” problem. It’s like stopping the use of drugs by arresting the drug users not the dealers who provide the product.
I’ve never understood this argument. A guy at work said this to me last year. He liked to play games and have dubbed anime on at the same time. To me that’s like watching a movie with your eyes closed. It obviously works for you, but I can’t really get into it like that. Also, the voice acting is (usually) better with…
I would be willing to bet a month’s union wages that 99.9% of Americans are completely unaware that American workers fought a prolonged battle against private mercenaries and US Army soldiers on American soil for the right to unionize.http://www.upworthy.com/ever-heard-of-the-battle-of-blair-mountain-federal-troops-wer…
“Leftover biscuits”
Except it sounds like they’ve had an okay relationship otherwise.
1 is no good of a number. Go for 2! : )
Yup - if this hack could somehow deliver an electric shock to the asshole that took the last cup and didn’t start another pot, then you’d have something.
I assume there’s an option in the app to automatically register you as ‘John Smith’
Next level unlocked.
I blame the Democrats for nominating the least electable major party nominee in history.
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.
Well see your stating that Hillary was better than notebook paper. This person feels they could have had apples but instead got a choice of firm turd or a wet sloppy diarrhea turd. That’s their perception of Hillary. Instead of trying to figure out how this happened and stop it in the future (Abolish that electoral…
“Well, I prefer apples but in a pinch I’ll eat a ream of notebook paper...”