
He thinks he’s ready...he thinks he knows that’s what he wants...he thinks if he ups the difficulty level, he’ll bring out an even more “truer” version of himself.

He was intriguing as both MIB and Billy/William earlier in the season, but much less so for me now. I guess I was looking for a philosopher who’s looking

Please do not credit Obama with indigenous struggle and victory against this pipeline. He did absolutely nothing and has said nothing to help.

Where do you think all the nimbys work, where they get the money to become nimbys in the first place?

I keep hearing “affordable housing” , but when this happened in my city. None of that housing was actually affordable to any of the people that lived around there before.

Excellent! Now nothing will change with the Democrats and they can keep fielding national candidates that know how to properly fellate Wall Street at the expense of everyone else! Cory Booker 2020!!

Reddit is awesome if you don’t go to the shadowy places. Just like the rest of the internet.

So Athos56, what is your real name and address?

I saw Superman there, discreetly suggesting they pick a leader and get their shit together.

That’s “CYBORG SUPERMAN” to you and everyone else that can hear him shout it. Repeatedly...

i know, it’s amazing. in the worst way

Geez, ban fake news and CNN, Fox and MSNBC will be off the air tomorrow.

A major contributor to the fake news epidemic is the real news aggregators themselves. How many respected news organizations have “sponsored stories” intermingled within their regular news feeds?

Psst...Rosebud is Kane’s boyhood sleigh.

Nah. Cops will just start carrying these:

Ummmmm, so why is the big scary entity thingy wearing a cock ring?

He’ll become a Roman soldier.

Alternatively, Do burn down your house, but record it and put the video on YouTube for me to watch.

I would say more like “Fuck Everyone who voted” but who am I kidding.. It was like choosing which poison to take. The ballot read, and I quote: “You want the red restriction of freedoms or the blue restriction of freedoms? Either way, you will be fucked in the ass. XOXO Republicans & Democrats”